Effects of Treatment of Cocoa Pod Husks with Aqueous Ash Extract of Bean Haulms on Growth Performance and Haemato-Biochemical Parameters of Rabbits
Kana Sagne Augustin Derrick, Tindo Tsamene Romario Kodel, Mube Kuietche Hervé, Mouchili Mama, Ebile Dayan Agwah, Defang Henry Fualefac
Carcass, Cocoa Pod Husks, Growth Performance, Bean Haulms Extracts, Haemato-Biochemical Parameters, Rabbit
Open Journal of Animal Sciences,
Vol.12 No.2,
ABSTRACT: Sustainability of animal
production system depends mostly on feed used. Therefore,
the utilization of agricultural by product is one of the safe ways to attempt
this goal. For this end, a study on the level of incorporation of cocoa pod husk on growth performance,
haematological and biochemical parameters were carried out. A total of 80 young
rabbits composed of 40 males and 40 females with an average weight of 824.30 ±
53.8 g and 826.09 ± 40.61g respectively. There were randomly assigned to 5
experimental rations in a complete
randomized designed with 8 rabbits per treatment and each rabbit served as experimental unit. From the control ration R (0-); 0% cocoa pod husks and R
(0+); 20% of untreated hulls, 3 other rations of which three (R1, R2, R3) were
formulated with respectively 20%, 25%, and 30% husks treated
with ash from bean haulms at concentrations of 12.5 kg/100 litters of water.
The results revealed that the initial weight, feed consumption, feed conversion
ratio, were not significantly affected (p
> 0.05) by the different treatments. However, total weight gain,
daily weight gains and final body weight of rabbit fed R1 ration were significantly (p spectively) as compare to other treatment
irrespective of sex. Analysis of variance generally revealed a significant
effect (p , R0+, R1, R2 and R3), carcass weight (1270.84 g) and carcass yield
(52.37%) was lower for animals feed R3 ration regardless of sex. On the other
hand, no significant difference (P > 0.05) was observed in the relative
weights of some parts, organs and those of the abdominal fat of the rabbits.
Similarly, no significant difference (P > 0.05) was observed for
haematological and biochemical parameters studied. Cocoa pod husks treated at
12.5% with bean haulm ash extracts can be incorporated up to 20% - 25% to improve growth
performance of rabbits without any negative effect on their health.