Transportation Equity Quantification and Related Issues and Challenges
Ardeshir Faghri, Hunter Withers
Transportation Equity, Quantification, Alternate Transportation, Congestion Pricing, Auto-Centered, Environment
Current Urban Studies,
Vol.10 No.4,
main purpose of this article is to explore the different challenges that
planners, engineers and policy makers face in quantifying transportation equity
for design and implementation purposes. The first section—quantifying equity is
a critical review of the most recent literature as well as some existing tools
for quantifying transportation equity. The second part—implementing equity to
design identifies several different methods that attempt to integrate equity in
the planning and design processes. The third section—prioritizing alternate
forms of transportation presents an overview of the challenges of vehicle
ownership for many disadvantaged groups and how alternate forms of
transportation may be able to help alleviate this problem. The fourth section—cost
deterrents to driving discusses the advantages and disadvantages of congestion
pricing and other cost deterrent methods. The fifth section—barriers to
addressing equity presents some of the most challenging policy, planning,
design and implementation issues for integrating equity into the transportation
sector. Although much stride has been made in the last few years to address the
important issue of social equity in transportation, more work and action are
needed to make sure all people benefit equally from a safe, efficient and
sustainable transportation system.