Statistical Analysis of Manufacturing, Trade and Service in the Textile Industry in Ecuador, 2000-2020
Marco Vinicio Cevallos Bravo
Manufacturing, Industrial Economy, Productive, Business Economy, Competitiveness
Open Journal of Social Sciences,
Vol.10 No.13,
ABSTRACT: The aim of this scientific contribution is to show a statistical analysis
of the manufacturing, trade and services of the textile industry in Ecuador,
between the years 2000 and 2020. To achieve this objective, an exhaustive study
of the Scopus international database and of the Ecuadorian government database
called the National Institute of Statistics and Censuses (by its acronym in
Spanish INEC). This research provided the following lines of results: 1) Bibliometric study of
the textile industry in Ecuador; 2) Statistical study of the
textile industry in Ecuador; 3) Preferences of the
Ecuadorian textile market. The fundamental conclusion of this study is that:
Manufacturing activities have 11,006 establishments, of which 74.2% correspond
to the manufacture of clothing, except leather clothing. Total employed
personnel in activities related to the textile sector amounts to 115,937
people, of which 68,215 are women and 47,722 men. In the last 11 years, the
textile industry has maintained an average share of between 1% and 2% in total
GDP, according to data from the Central Bank of Ecuador.