The Impact of Climate Change on the Stratification of Coastal Areas of the Euboean Gulf and the Diffusion of Urban Wastewater in Them
Evangelos Tsirogiannis, Panagiotis Angelidis
3D Modelling, Stratification, Sewage, Euboean Gulf Greece, Climate Change
Computational Water, Energy, and Environmental Engineering,
Vol.12 No.3,
ABSTRACT: Hydrodynamic circulation in a
marine environment, characterized by the influence of strong tides, atmospheric
loading and bathymetry, is a complex phenomenon. The physical and hydrodynamic
characteristics of this flow are absolutely crucial for the vertical mixing of
the sea masses and consequently for the mixing of their physico-chemical
parameters, such as nutrients and oxygen, as well as for the diffusion and
dispersion of passive pollutants, the recharge of the waters and the general
environmental situation. This paper examines the effect of a future increase in
mean air temperature on the water column stratification of coastal areas of
interest, which are subject to the above loadings and receive treated urban
wastewater, and how this increase could affect their diffusion and mixing of
conservative pollutants contained therein.