The Studies of the Organizations and the Validity of the Classics to Explain the Current Problems
Augusto Renato Pérez Mayo, Nohemí Roque Nieto, Fernando Romero Torres
Organization, Theory of Organizations, Epistemology, Methodology
Journal of Human Resource and Sustainability Studies,
Vol.11 No.3,
ABSTRACT: The organization has evolved over time and therefore few have generated new theoretical approaches to analysis, which from the point of view of ontological and epistemological scholars have carried out in the organization. This situation has led to a proliferation of approaches or paradigms to explain it, since the organization as a complex phenomenon cannot be considered a well-defined theoretical phenomenon whose behavior obeys simple laws, but rather, according to field scholars, the organization is a phenomenon complex. The objective of this research proposal is to carry out an analysis of the studies on the organization through a historical journey that discovers what its evolution has been at an epistemological, methodological, and disciplinary level. In addition to proving that the vision of the classics of organization theory is still valid. The research method used was the documentary.