Investigation the Correlation between Thermal Bridging and Geometries in Concrete Buildings
Ali Vaseghi, Craig Capano
Thermal Bridging, Heat Flux, Building Energy, Building Envelope, Concrete Building
Journal of Building Construction and Planning Research,
Vol.11 No.4,
This article focuses on the investigation of the correlation between
thermal bridging and various geometric configurations. The article employs
QuickField software for conducting three-dimensional steady-state heat transfer
simulations to investigate the thermal behaviors of diverse geometric shapes. Significantly, this study involves the simulation
of four distinct geometries including concrete circular, square, rectangular,
and triangular column through an insulated concrete layer while all
geometries maintain the consistent surface
areas. The simulations yield findings indicating that circular thermal bridging
has the best thermal performance, while rectangular thermal bridging displays
comparatively the lowest thermal efficiency. Furthermore, the results indicate
that alterations in the perimeter of thermal bridge interfaces, while maintaining a constant area, exert a more
pronounced influence on the thermal
performance of the geometries compared to proportional changes in area while
preserving the perimeter. The study’s findings aid building designers and
architects in creating more energy-efficient structural and architectural
elements by incorporating thermally efficient geometries and forms.