BSDCH: New Chain Routing Protocol with Best Selection Double Cluster Head in Wireless Sensor Networks
Majid Noori, Alireza Khoshtarash
Routing Algorithm; Wireless Sensor Networks; Optimum Energy Use
Wireless Sensor Network,
Vol.5 No.2,
The Optimum use of energy is one of the significant needs in
wireless sensor networks, because sensor devices would usually use the battery
power. In this article, we give the suggested routing algorithm (BSDCH) with
determining an optimum routine due to the energy use and the number of passed
hobs. To transfer date from nodes’ sensor to BS (Base
Station), data sending has been utilized in chains. In BSDCH algorithm, the
nodes’ space is divided into several regions. In this
article, each part is called a cluster. In each cluster, a node which is the
best due to energy and distance comparison with other cluster nodes it is
continuously selected with a given Formula (4) which is called main CH (Cluster
Head) and forms a chain in that cluster and in each node cluster, it is
selected by Formula (5) as secondary CH with the least distance and the best
situation to BS and main CH. the secondary CH task is to receive data from the
main CH and send data to the BS. As far as the main cluster head would waste
too much energy to send data to BS, so to send data through secondary CH, we
can keep main CH energy for more time. In the time of sending data from nodes
to main CH, a multi chain is utilized. In the time of making nodes’ chain, nods
are connected straight into its main CH radius and other nodes are connected in
their sending radius which would have the least distance to main CH. Finally,
also, BSDCH has been compared with PEGASIS [1] and PDCH [2]. The simulation
results are shown which are indicator of a better BSDCH performance.