A Study of Transducer Based End-to-End ASR with ESPnet: Architecture, Auxiliary Loss and Decoding Strategies

  title={A Study of Transducer Based End-to-End ASR with ESPnet: Architecture, Auxiliary Loss and Decoding Strategies},
  author={Florian Boyer and Yusuke Shinohara and Takaaki Ishii and Hirofumi Inaguma and Shinji Watanabe},
  journal={2021 IEEE Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding Workshop (ASRU)},
In this study, we present recent developments of models trained with the RNN-T loss in ESPnet. It involves the use of various archi-tectures such as recently proposed Conformer, multi-task learning

Figures and Tables from this paper

BECTRA: Transducer-Based End-To-End ASR with Bert-Enhanced Encoder

Experimental results on several ASR tasks demonstrate that BECTRA outperforms BERT-CTC by effectively dealing with the vocabulary mismatch while exploiting BERT knowledge.

Minimum latency training of sequence transducers for streaming end-to-end speech recognition

The expected latency at each diagonal line on the lattice is defined, and its gradient can be computed efficiently within the forward-backward algorithm, so that an optimal trade-off between latency and accuracy is achieved.

Decoupled Structure for Improved Adaptability of End-to-End Models

This paper proposes decoupled structures for attention-based encoder-decoder and neural transducer models, which can achieve flexible domain adaptation in both offline and online scenarios while maintaining robust intra-domain performance.

Prefix Search Decoding for RNN Transducers

This work introduces prefix search decoding, looking at all prefixes in the decode lattice to score a candidate, and shows that the technique aligns more closely to the training ob-jective compared to the existing strategies.

Memory-Efficient Training of RNN-Transducer with Sampled Softmax

This work proposes to apply sampled softmax to RNN-Transducer, which requires only a small subset of vocabulary during training thus saves its memory consumption, and extends sampledsoftmax to optimize memory consumption for a minibatch, and employs distributions of auxiliary CTC losses for sampling vocabulary to improve model accuracy.

Foundation Transformers

This work proposes Sub-LayerNorm for good expressivity, and the initialization strategy theoretically derived from DeepNet for stable scaling up, and introduces a Transformer variant, named Magneto, to fulfill the goal of true general-purpose modeling.

Magneto: A Foundation Transformer

This work introduces a Transformer variant, named M AG - NETO, to fulfill the goal of true general-purpose modeling, and proposes Sub-LayerNorm for good expressivity, and the initialization strategy theoretically derived from DeepNet for stable scaling up.

Mask-CTC-Based Encoder Pre-Training for Streaming End-to-End Speech Recognition

This study examines the effectiveness of Mask-CTC-based pre- training for models with different architectures, such as Transformer-Transducer and contextual block streaming ASR, and discusses the effect of the proposed pre-training method on obtaining accurate output spike timings, which contributes to the latency reduction in streaming AsR.

Sequence Transduction with Graph-Based Supervision

This work presents a new transducer objective function that generalizes the RNN-T loss to accept a graph representation of the labels, thus providing a flexible and efficient framework to manipulate training lattices, e.g., for studying different transition rules, implementing differentTransducer losses, or restricting alignments.

Weak Alignment Supervision from Hybrid Model Improves End-to-end ASR

The results show that placing the weak alignment supervision with the label smoothing parameter of 0.5 at the third encoder layer outperforms the other two approaches and leads to about 5\% relative WER reduction on the TED-LIUM 2 dataset over the baseline.

Improving RNN Transducer Based ASR with Auxiliary Tasks

This work proposes using the same auxiliary task as primary RNN-T ASR task, and performing context-dependent graphemic state prediction as in conventional hybrid modeling, and finds that both proposed methods provide consistent improvements.

Recent Developments on Espnet Toolkit Boosted By Conformer

This paper shows the results for a wide range of end- to-end speech processing applications, such as automatic speech recognition (ASR), speech translations (ST), speech separation (SS) and text-to-speech (TTS).

A Comparative Study on Transformer vs RNN in Speech Applications

An emergent sequence-to-sequence model called Transformer achieves state-of-the-art performance in neural machine translation and other natural language processing applications, including the surprising superiority of Transformer in 13/15 ASR benchmarks in comparison with RNN.

Improving RNN transducer with normalized jointer network

This work analyzes the cause of the huge gradient variance in RNN-T training and proposed a new \textit{normalized jointer network} to overcome it and proposes to enhance the Rnn-T network with a modified conformer encoder network and transformer-XL predictor networks to achieve the best performance.

Improved Mask-CTC for Non-Autoregressive End-to-End ASR

This work proposes to enhance the encoder network architecture by employing a recently proposed architecture called Conformer, and proposes new training and decoding methods by introducing auxiliary objective to predict the length of a partial target sequence, which allows the model to delete or insert tokens during inference.

RNN-T For Latency Controlled ASR With Improved Beam Search

This work evaluates their proposed system on English videos ASR dataset and shows that neural RNN-T models can achieve comparable WER and better computational efficiency compared to a well tuned hybrid ASR baseline.

Multitask Learning and Joint Optimization for Transformer-RNN-Transducer Speech Recognition

This paper proposes novel multitask learning, joint optimization, and joint decoding methods for transformer-RNN-transducer systems that can maintain information on the large text corpus eliminating the necessity of an external language model (LM).

Attention-Based ASR with Lightweight and Dynamic Convolutions

This paper proposes to apply lightweight and dynamic convolution to E2E ASR as an alternative architecture to the self-attention to make the computational order linear and proposes joint training with connectionist temporal classification, convolution on the frequency axis, and combination with self-Attention.

Exploring Pre-Training with Alignments for RNN Transducer Based End-to-End Speech Recognition

Two different pre-training solutions are explored, referred to as encoder pre- Training, and whole-network pre- training respectively, which significantly reduce the RNN-T model latency from the baseline.

Self-Attention Transducers for End-to-End Speech Recognition

A self-attention transducer for speech recognition that is powerful to model long-term dependencies inside sequences and able to be efficiently parallelized, and with a path-aware regularization to assist SA-T to learn alignments and improve the performance.