A general framework for the derivation of regular expressions

  title={A general framework for the derivation of regular expressions},
  author={Pascal Caron and Jean-Marc Champarnaud and Ludovic Mignot},
A theoretical framework that allows us to perform the computation of regular expression derivatives through a space of generic structures and it is shown how to construct an alternating automaton associated with the derivation of a regular expression in this general framework.

Constrained Expressions and their Derivatives

This paper proposes an extension to classical regular expressions by the addition of two operators allowing the inclusion of boolean formulae from the zeroth order logic called constrained expressions, and shows that the language associated when both interpretation and realization are fixed is stricly regular and can be not regular otherwise.

Derivatives for Enhanced Regular Expressions

This work presents an approach that enables the direct construction of finite automata from regular expressions enhanced with further operators that preserve regularity, based on an extension of the theory of derivatives for regular expressions.

Bottom-Up Derivatives of Tree Expressions

This paper defines a new family of extended regular tree expressions (using negation or intersection operators), and shows how to compute a Brzozowski-like inductive tree automaton; the fixed point of this construction, when it exists, is the derivativeTree automaton.

Solving of Regular Equations Revisited (extended version)

It is shown that operations such as subtraction and shuffling can be expressed via some appropriate set of regular equations and obtained direct (algebraic) methods without having to convert to and from finite automaton.

A unified implementation of automata and expression structures, and of the associated algorithms using enriched categories

In this document, we propose a description, via a Haskell implementation, of a generalization of the notion of regular expression allowing us to group the definitions and the methods of (tree or

Solving of Regular Equations Revisited

It is shown that operations such as subtraction and shuffling can be expressed via some appropriate set of regular equations and obtained direct (algebraic) methods without having to convert to and from finite automaton.

On the State Complexity of Partial Derivative Automata For Regular Expressions with Intersection

This paper focuses on the conversion of regular expressions with intersection to nondeterministic finite automata, using partial derivatives and the notion of support, and establishes an upper bound for the worst-case number of states of the resulting partial derivative automaton.

On the Average Complexity of Partial Derivative Automata for Semi-extended Expressions

This paper focuses on the conversion of regular expressions with intersection to nondeterministic finite automata, using partial derivatives and the notion of support, and establishes an upper bound of 2O(n) for the worst-case number of states of the resulting partial derivative automaton, where n is the size of the expression.

Position Automata for Semi-extended Expressions

A position automaton construction is presented that generalizes the notion of position, making it compatible with intersection, and the resulting automaton is homogeneous and has the partial derivative automaton as a quotient.

Position Automaton Construction for Regular Expressions with Intersection

This paper presents a position automaton construction that generalizes the notion of position making it compatible with intersection and the resulting automaton is homogeneous and has the partial derivative automaton as its quotient.

Partial Derivatives of an Extended Regular Expression

This paper generalizes Antimirov partial derivatives to regular expressions extended to complementation and intersection and shows that the number of states can be exponential.

Derivatives of Regular Expressions

In this paper the notion of a derivative of a regular expression is introduced atld the properties of derivatives are discussed and this leads, in a very natural way, to the construction of a state diagram from a regularexpression containing any number of logical operators.

Quotient Complexity of Regular Languages

    J. Brzozowski
    Computer Science, Mathematics
  • 2010
The past research on the state complexity of operations on regular languages is examined, and a new approach based on an old method (derivatives of regular expressions) is presented to help in the estimation of the upper bounds on quotient complexity of regular operations.

An Efficient Computation of the Equation K-automaton of a Regular K-expression

A quadratic algorithm to compute the equation automaton of a regular expression as a quotient of its position automaton as defined by Lombardy and Sakarovitch is described.

A Procedure for Checking Equality of Regular Expressions

A simple “mechanical” procedure is described for checking equality of regular expressions, based on the work of A. Salomaa, which uses derivatives ofregular expressions and transition graphs to generate a finite set of left-linear equations.