A note on optimum burst-error-correcting codes

  title={A note on optimum burst-error-correcting codes},
  author={Bernard Elspas and Robert A. Short},
  journal={IRE Trans. Inf. Theory},
A detailed study has been made of a certain class of systematic binary error-correcting codes that will correct the error bursts typical of some digital channels. These codes--generalizations of

Tables from this paper

Determining the burst-correcting limit of cyclic codes

Two new computationally efficient algorithms are developed for finding the exact burst-correcting limit of a cyclic code based on testing the colmn rank of certain submatrices of the parity-check matrix of the code.

Optimum shortened cyclic codes for burst-error correction

The construction of the most efficient shortened cyclic (pseudo-cyclic) codes that can correct every burst-error of length b or less, which have the maximum number of information digits k among all shortenedcyclic burst- b codes with a given number of check digits r.

On the existence of optimum cyclic burst correcting codes over GF(q)

It is proved that if a square-free polynomial in GF(q)(x) of degree b-1 which is not divisible by x such that its period and the degrees of its irreducible factors are relatively prime to q-1 exists, then there are an infinite number of optimum cyclic b-burst correcting codes overGF(q).

On the Maximum True Burst-Correcting Capability of Fire Codes

The maximum true burst-Correcting capabilities of several classes of Fire codes are determined and it is shown that there are infinite sequences of irreducible polynomials that generate cyclic codes of rates approaching one and with burst-correcting capabilities that exceed any given number.

Sub-optimal burst-correcting cyclic codes

    R. Andrew
    Computer Science, Mathematics
  • 1998
The definition of a figure of merit /spl mu/ for a b-burst-correcting [n, n-r] code given by /splmu/=log/sub 2/n+2b-r is given.

An Application of Cyclic Coding to Message Identification

In certain digital communication systems data is coded into cyclic code words for error correction or detection, where all the code words of a message may have the same identifying pattern in a group of digits.

Some New Classes of Cyclic Codes Used for Burst-Error Correction

A general theory of cyclic codes correcting a set of given types of errors is presented, which offers several new classes of codes that are competitive with existing ones and may be better for certain message lengths.

High-rate burst-error-correcting recurrent codes (Corresp.)

A bound and construction are presented for high-rate burst-error-correcting recurrent codes and it is shown that, when certain well-known cyclic codes are used in the construction, the resulting recurrent codes are close to the upper bound.

A New Group of Codes for Correction of Dependent Errors in Data Transmission

Because each parity-bit group is derived by using maximum-length shift-register sequences, rather than by storing a decoding table, the implementation of these codes is relatively simple, as shown in an example of a three-bit-wide burst-correcting code.

A class of systematic codes for non-independent errors

A class of systematic codes has been obtained which will correct all single errors and all double errors which occur in adjacent digits. These codes use significantly fewer checking digits than codes

The Theory of Autonomous Linear Sequential Networks

The relation of the theory developed in this paper to Huffman's description of linear sequence transducers in terms of the D operator is discussed, as well as unsolved problems and directions for further generalization.

Codes for the correction of 'clustered' errors

A method is described which permits the systematic construction of codes capable of error-free transmission, provided errors occur in "clusters" of limited duration. The method is valid for error