Accelerating Large-Scale Excited-State GW Calculations on Leadership HPC Systems
@article{Ben2020AcceleratingLE, title={Accelerating Large-Scale Excited-State GW Calculations on Leadership HPC Systems}, author={Mauro Del Ben and Charlene Yang and Zhenglu Li and Felipe H. da Jornada and Steven G. Louie and Jack R. Deslippe}, journal={SC20: International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis}, year={2020}, pages={1-11}, url={} }
Algorithm and implementation advancements made in the materials science code BerkeleyGW are presented to scale calculations to the order of over 10,000 electrons utilizing the entire Summit at OLCF, demonstrating the possibility to perform GW calculations at such scale within minutes on current HPC systems.
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28 Citations
GPU Acceleration of Large-Scale Full-Frequency GW Calculations.
- 2022
Physics, Computer Science
A GPU acceleration study of the full-frequency GW method as implemented in the WEST code, showing a substantial speedup of the GPU-accelerated version of WEST with respect to its CPU version.
Accelerating Parallel First-Principles Excited-State Calculation by Low-Rank Approximation with K-Means Clustering
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Efficient Full-Frequency GW Calculations Using a Lanczos Method.
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A method is proposed that reformulates the correlation part of GW self-energy as a resolvent matrix element, which can be efficiently and accurately computed using the Lanczos method, which enables GW calculations of material systems with a few hundred atoms on a single computing workstation.
GPU-Accelerated Solution of the Bethe-Salpeter Equation for Large and Heterogeneous Systems.
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A distributed multi-GPU ab initio density matrix renormalization group algorithm with applications to the P-cluster of nitrogenase
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Low-Scaling GW with Benchmark Accuracy and Application to Phosphorene Nanosheets.
- 2021
Materials Science, Chemistry
A low-scaling GW algorithm is presented with notably improved accuracy compared to the previous algorithm, demonstrated for frontier orbitals using the GW100 benchmark set, for which the algorithm yields a mean absolute deviation of only 6 meV with respect to canonical implementations.
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Towards Exascale Simulations of Nanoelectronic Devices in the GW Approximation
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Physics, Engineering
The many-body effects of gate-all-around silicon nanowire field-effect transistors are implemented within the self-consistent GW approximation into an ab initio QT solver called QuaTrEx, based on density functional theory and the Non-equilibrium Green’s Function formalism.
Enabling 13K-Atom Excited-State GW Calculations via Low-Rank Approximations and HPC on the New Sunway Supercomputer
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A massively parallel implementation of accurate and efficient cubic-scaling plane-wave GW calculations by using low-rank approximations and high-performance computing on leadership supercomputers and paves the way for excited-state quantum mechanical material simulations at mesoscopic scale and for the design of next-generation semiconductor devices.
Validation of the GreenX library time-frequency component for efficient GW and RPA calculations
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Physics, Chemistry
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Chemistry, Physics
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Physics, Chemistry
We present GW calculations of molecules, ordered and disordered solids and interfaces, which employ an efficient contour deformation technique for frequency integration and do not require the…