Accelerating Spaceborne SAR Imaging Using Multiple CPU/GPU Deep Collaborative Computing

  title={Accelerating Spaceborne SAR Imaging Using Multiple CPU/GPU Deep Collaborative Computing},
  author={Fan Zhang and Guojun Li and Wei Li and Wei Hu and Yuxin Hu},
  journal={Sensors (Basel, Switzerland)},
Experimental results demonstrate that the deep CPU/GPU collaborative imaging method enhances the efficiency of SAR imaging on single-core CPU by 270 times and realizes the real-time imaging in that the imaging rate outperforms the raw data generation rate.

Accelerating SAR Image Registration Using Swarm-Intelligent GPU Parallelization

A swarm-intelligent GPU parallel pixel-level registration is proposed, which takes into account not only the acceleration of the correlation operation but also the reduction of searching times, and can achieve $40\times$ speedup for a product-level SAR image.

Hardware accelerated range Doppler algorithm for SAR data processing using Zynq processor

This paper aims to present the chirp-scaling algorithm (CSA) for real-time SAR applications, using advanced field programmable gate array (FPGA) processor, using a hybrid approach of hardware–software integration on Zynq FPGA.

A Study on Parallel Performance Optimization Method for Acceleration of High Resolution SAR Image Processing

The performance deterioration due to a large amount of input/output data for high resolution images is reduced by maximizing the memory utilization, and the parallelization ratio of the code is increased by using dynamic scheduling and nested parallelism of OpenMP.

A Highly Efficient Heterogeneous Processor for SAR Imaging

A heterogeneous array architecture for SAR imaging that effectively supports Fast Fourier Transformation/Inverse Fast Fouriers Transform (FFT/IFFT) and phase compensation operations is proposed and a resource management strategy for heterogeneous computing arrays is designed.

The Adaptive Streaming SAR Back-Projection Algorithm Based on Half-Precision in GPU

An adaptive asynchronous streaming scheme for the BP algorithm based on half-precision based on the adaptive loss factors selection strategy is proposed in this study, and then it is extended to the fast back-projection (FBP) algorithm.

GPU-Based Parallel Implementation of VLBI Correlator for Deep Space Exploration System

A parallel implementation of VLBI correlator based on graphics processing unit (GPU) to realize a more efficient and economical angular position calculation of deep space target is proposed on the basis of massively GPU parallel computing.

FPGA Implementation of the Chirp-Scaling Algorithm for Real-Time Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging

This study proposed a CSA-based SAR processor that supports FFT and phase compensation operations and presents field-programmable gate array (FPGA)-based implementation results and designed the multiplier for FFT to be shared for phase compensation, thereby achieving area efficiency and simplifying the data flow.

Real-Time Spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radar Float-Point Imaging System Using Optimized Mapping Methodology and a Multi-Node Parallel Accelerating Technique

A multi-node prototype system for real-time SAR imaging processing that decomposes the commonly used chirp scaling (CS) SAR imaging algorithm into two parts according to the computing features and can be integrated into a single Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) chip instead of relying on distributed technologies.

Multi-GPU Implementation of Nearest-Regularized Subspace Classifier for Hyperspectral Image Classification

An optimized single-GPU algorithm is designed for parallel computing, and then the multi-GPU version is developed to improve the efficiency of parallel computing to enhance the computation efficiency of the nearest-regularized subspace classifier.

High Performance Computing in Satellite SAR Interferometry: A Critical Perspective

A perspective on the state-of-the-art of high performance computing methodologies applied to spaceborne SAR interferometry (InSAR) is presented, and the different parallel algorithms for interferometric processing of SAR data are critically discussed at different levels.

Airborne SAR Real-time Imaging Algorithm Design and Implementation with CUDA on NVIDIA GPU

A GPU based SAR processing system that embeds the proposed solution is much more efficient and portable, thereby making it qualified to be a real-time SAR data processing system.

High Resolution Space-borne SAR Imaging Based on GPU

A preliminary indication of the feasibility of GPU to process spaceborne SAR data, which lays the foundation for further procedure optimization is given.

Accelerating Time-Domain SAR Raw Data Simulation for Large Areas Using Multi-GPUs

This paper investigates time-domain SAR raw data simulation for large areas on multi-GPUs architecture, which can not only simulate raw data of large areas by task partitioning and scheduling, but also improve the efficiency of current GPU-based algorithm by access conflict optimization and fine-grained parallel pipeline.

Accelerating SAR imaging using vector extension on multi-core SIMD CPU

A new method to accelerate SAR image processing by employing SIMD (Single Instruction Multiple Data) instructions and OpenMP technology on multi-core SIMD CPU to realize parallel optimization on image processing algorithms.

Parallel processing techniques for the processing of synthetic aperture radar data on GPUs

This paper presents a design for parallel processing of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data using one or more Graphics Processing Units (GPUs). Our design supports real-time reconstruction of a

Highly efficient synthetic aperture radar processing system for airborne sensors using CPU+GPU architecture

This paper focuses on the optimizations of motion compensation, subaperture chirp scaling algorithm, phase gradient autofocus (PGA), and even visualization with Open Source Computer Vision Library.

Multiple-GPU accelerated range-Doppler algorithm for synthetic aperture radar imaging

A data processor based on multiple GPGPU devices is proposed for SAR signal processing, and the processor's performance is demonstrated by the implementation of range-Doppler imaging algorithm, which shows it is suitable for real-time SAR signalprocessing.

Investigating the use of GPU-accelerated nodes for SAR image formation

Good results are obtained with the use of GPUs with good performance in terms of execution time with distributed memory cluster computers and accelerator technologies such as GPUs for radar signal analysis applications, particularly backprojection image formation.

Streaming BP for Non-Linear Motion Compensation SAR Imaging Based on GPU

A streaming BP algorithm and a piecewise high-order polynomial fitting method for IMU data preprocessing that is compatible to the streaming structure are proposed and it is found that the 9th-order poaching fitting can meet the requirement of typical actualIMU data processing.