Active Text for Structuring and Understanding Source Code

  title={Active Text for Structuring and Understanding Source Code},
  author={Hanspeter M{\"o}ssenb{\"o}ck and Kai Koskimies},
  journal={Software: Practice and Experience},
This paper shows how a text editor can be extended to include active text elements and gives examples for how to apply these facilities to source code.

Reverse Literate Programming

This paper demonstrates a solution, called Reverse Literate Programming, which combines the advantages of Knuth’s method and of the hypertext approach and implemented active text elements making it possible to have the source code as a hypertext screen document.

Scene: using scenario diagrams and active text for illustrating object-oriented programs

A tool called Scene (SCENario Environment) is implemented that automatically produces scenario diagrams for existing object-oriented systems and allows the user to browse not only scenarios but also various kinds of associated documents, such as source code, class interfaces, class diagrams and call matrices.

A language-based editing process for visual object-oriented programming

This editing process, which consists of two key elements: syntax-directed editing facilities and an inplace editing assistant, facilitates object-oriented program development by providing useful programming guidance and reducing potential programming errors.

A framework for processing and presenting parallel text corpora

The combination of a classical textual synopsis with the supplementary options of dictionaries, encyclopedias, multi-media extensions and powerful tools opens a wide area of applicability for the system ranging from text analysis and language learning to the creation of critical editions and electronic publishing.

A Conceptual Model for Folding

A conceptual model is contributed that generalizes folding to describe both the current state of the practice and also folds involving non-contiguous segments of code and a tool called TAJ is described that supports this capability.

Films as Graphical Comments in the Source Code of Programs

The author shows how to extend an object-oriented graphics editor so that it can be used for creating and viewing films and how such films can be embedded into the source code of programs using a text framework.

Films as graphical comments in the source code of programs

    H. Mossenbock
    Computer Science
  • 1997
The author shows how to extend an object-oriented graphics editor so that it can be used for creating and viewing films and how such films can be embedded into the source code of programs using a text framework.

Benefits of a data flow-aware programming environment

This work argues that program editors should have the same knowledge about the control flow and data flow of a program, and proposes a data flow-aware programming environment that makes the information that the compiler already computed visible.

Constructing an integrated visual programming environment

The present editors developed can be used to construct programs by specifying the associated flow information in explicit (visual) or implicit (textual) ways, while the (incremental) flow analysers can help analyse incomplete program fragments to locate and inform the user of possible errors or anomalies during programming.

Intermodular Slicing of Object-Oriented Programs

This work describes a program slicing tool for object-oriented programs that uses control flow and data flow information to visualise dependences and assist the programmer in debugging and in program understanding and uses the user''s expertise to restrict the effects of dynamic binding at polymorphic call sites.

A small contribution to editing with a syntax directed editor

A syntax editor that includes a bottom up parser that is used in a variety of ways within the editor, and outlines the features that make editing such programs practical.

A design rationale for a language‐based editor

The need for such editors to support a pluralistic view of program structure is identified, together with the need to observe the constraints on performance and storage consumption if such editors are to be accepted by professional programmers.

Scene: using scenario diagrams and active text for illustrating object-oriented programs

A tool called Scene (SCENario Environment) is implemented that automatically produces scenario diagrams for existing object-oriented systems and allows the user to browse not only scenarios but also various kinds of associated documents, such as source code, class interfaces, class diagrams and call matrices.

Write-ing Applications: Design of an Extensible Text Editor as an Application Framework

It is stated that the editor together with its extension model constitutes an application framework of rather wide applicability and can play the role of various dedicated applications.

Hypertext: An Introduction and Survey

A survey of existing hypertext systems, their applications, and their design is both an introduction to the world of hypertext and a survey of some of the most important design issues that go into fashioning a hypertext environment.

Combining hypertext and structured documents in Grif

The experience gained in developing and using the hypertext functions of the Grif systeml are presented and it is shown that the approaches of elect ronic documents and hypertext can be combined for building more powerful integrated systems.

Making Structured Documents Active

The possibilities offered by a structured model of documents and a structured editor for making active documents are presented and several applications are described, which show how a document’s logical structure may be exploited for developing a variety of active document applications.

Representing Programs as Hypertext

This paper discusses the representation of programs as hypertext and examines diierent models for the interplay between the internal and external structures.

Documents as user interfaces

An architecture is implemented, EmbeddedButtons, that allows arbitrary document elements, managed by arbitrary editors, to behave as buttons, and can be combined by using documents us user interfaces.

Literate Programming

This anthology of essays from the inventor of literate programming also contains excerpts from the programs for TEX and METAFONT and CWEB, a system for Literate programming in C and related languages.