Ambient intelligence assistant for running sports based on k-NN classifiers

  title={Ambient intelligence assistant for running sports based on k-NN classifiers},
  author={Pablo L{\'o}pez-Matencio and Javier Vales Alonso and Francisco Javier Gonz{\'a}lez-Casta{\~n}o and J. L. Sieiro and Juan Jos{\'e} Alcaraz},
  journal={3rd International Conference on Human System Interaction},
The system architecture and implementation of an ambient intelligence assistant for runners is presented, composed of a Wireless Sensor Network deployed over a cross-country running circuit, and by mobile elements carried by the users, which monitor their heart rate.

Figures and Tables from this paper

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Further explanation is required of Dr Pate and colleagues' Figures 1 and 2 and the recommendation's contradiction with research that supports more vigorous activity, as well as their Figure 1, which shows a diminishing return in health benefit with increasing exercise level.

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