An Infobutton For Web 2.0 Clinical Discussions: The Knowledge Linkage Framework
@article{Stewart2012AnIF, title={An Infobutton For Web 2.0 Clinical Discussions: The Knowledge Linkage Framework}, author={Samuel Alan Stewart and Syed Sibte Raza Abidi}, journal={IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine}, year={2012}, volume={16}, pages={129-135}, url={} }
This approach has demonstrated how clinicians can supplement their peer communications with evidence based research by developing an infobutton to automatically retrieve published papers corresponding to a topic-specific online clinical discussion.
Threads (opens in a new tab)Search Strategy (opens in a new tab)Pubmed (opens in a new tab)MetaMap (opens in a new tab)Pilot Study (opens in a new tab)Peer (opens in a new tab)Precision (opens in a new tab)Extended Boolean Model (opens in a new tab)Vector Space Model (opens in a new tab)Web 2.0 (opens in a new tab)
9 Citations
Leveraging medical taxonomies to improve knowledge management within online communities of practice: The knowledge maps system
- 2017
Computer Science, Medicine
Comparing Metamap to MGrep as a Tool for Mapping Free Text to Formal Medical Lexions
- 2012
Computer Science, Medicine
Comparing the programs, in order to determine which program is most appropriate for mapping web 2.0 communication data, the archives of the Pediatric Pain Mailing List were mapped with both Mgrep and Metamap and each term returned was checked for correctness.
A Survey on Medical Information Retrieval
- 2017
Medicine, Computer Science
This paper surveys on existing methods and tools that help to retrieve accurate information as per the query of the user belonging to any knowledge group.
Knowledge Extraction and Consolidation from Social Media ( KECSM 2012 ) Preface
- 2012
Computer Science
A platform for supporting processes such as opinion mining on Twitter data, with emphasis on the selection of the proper data set, is proposed and discussed in detail and enables flexible queries that combine complex conditions on time, terms, users, and their associations.
An integrated framework to classify healthcare virtual communities
- 2012
Medicine, Computer Science
This paper is one of the first investigative studies, in HC sector, that proposed a framework to classify and pin-point appropriate VCoPs, for physicians, after it reviewed and analyzed traditional and up-todate theoretical, empirical and case study literature in the area of social computing, knowledge management (KM) and VCoP.
Practice-centred e-health system design for cross-boundary clinical decision support
- 2012
Medicine, Computer Science
This research takes a clinical practice-centred approach to inform e-health system design, and draws on the concept of work practice and cultural-historical theory in social science as well as situation awareness in order to describe the local traditions of actions that guide clinicians’ work in the real world.
Education Research: Can my electronic health record teach me something?
- 2013
Education, Medicine
“Meaningful use” implies more than just recording information; use of the EHR should improve patient care and the 2009 Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act offers up to $27 billion over 10 years to providers demonstrating “meaningful use" of EHRs.
Combining Social Network and Semantic Content Analysis to Improve Knowledge Translation in Online Communities of Practice
- 2014
The author states that the book was originally intended to be a collection of “short stories” but that “the stories began to take on a life of their own” after the second printing.
Anforderungen und Lösungsansätze für wissensbasierte kontextsensitiv-reaktive medizinische Informationssysteme
- 2021
Die Arbeit beschaftigt sich mit Fragestellungen bezuglich des Bedarfs und des Wunschs nach einem Zugriff auf medizinisches Wissen, den semantischen Voraussetzungen sowie der kontextbasierten…
32 References
Sharing Infobuttons to Resolve Clinicians' Information Needs
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Computer Science, Medicine
This work is addressing limitations to infobutton development with an Infobutton Manager (IM) that provides a standardized interface for matching user contexts to information resources.
Effective mapping of biomedical text to the UMLS Metathesaurus: the MetaMap program
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Computer Science, Medicine
The UMLS Metathesaurus, the largest thesaurus in the biomedical domain, provides a representation of biomedical knowledge consisting of concepts classified by semantic type and both hierarchical and…
GoPubMed: exploring PubMed with the Gene Ontology
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Computer Science, Biology
GoPubMed, a web server which allows users to explore PubMed search results with the Gene Ontology (GO), a hierarchically structured vocabulary for molecular biology, gives an overview of the literature abstracts by categorizing abstracts according to the GO and thus allowing users to quickly navigate through the Abstracts by category.
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Computer Science, Medicine
A model for automated information retrieval in which questions posed by clinical users are analyzed to establish common syntactic and semantic patterns that are used to develop a set of general-purpose questions called generic queries is described.
Pediatric Pain Management Knowledge Linkages: Mapping Experiential Knowledge to Explicit Knowledge
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The goal of this project is to augment clinician communication by connecting it to evidence-based research, providing explicit knowledge to corroborate the experiential knowledge shared between…
Supporting infobuttons with terminological knowledge
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Computer Science, Medicine
The kinds of knowledge in the MED, including literal attributes, hierarchical links and other semantic links, are described, and how this knowledge is used in system integration is described.
Update on XplorMed: a web server for exploring scientific literature
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Computer Science, Biology
New features added to XplorMed during the last 2 years are described (
Meeting medical terminology needs-the ontology-enhanced Medical Concept Mapper
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Computer Science, Medicine
The Medical Concept Mapper is described, a tool designed to facilitate access to online medical information sources by providing users with appropriate medical search terms for their personal queries, and its unique contribution results from combining the UMLS Semantic Net with Concept Space in the deep semantic parsing (DSP) algorithm.
Textpresso: An Ontology-Based Information Retrieval and Extraction System for Biological Literature
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Biology, Computer Science
Extraction of particular biological facts can be accelerated significantly by ontologies, with Textpresso automatically performing nearly as well as expert curators to identify sentences; in searches for two uniquely named genes and an interaction term, the ontology confers a 3-fold increase of search efficiency.
Automated semantic indexing of figure captions to improve radiology image retrieval.
- 2009
Computer Science, Medicine
Automated concept-based indexing of radiology journal figure captions achieved very high precision and recall, and significantly improved image retrieval.