Animating Multiple Instances in BPMN Collaborations: From Formal Semantics to Tool Support
@inproceedings{Corradini2018AnimatingMI, title={Animating Multiple Instances in BPMN Collaborations: From Formal Semantics to Tool Support}, author={Fl{\'a}vio Corradini and Chiara Muzi and Barbara Re and Lorenzo Rossi and Francesco Tiezzi}, booktitle={International Conference on Business Process Management}, year={2018}, url={} }
Beyond defining a novel formalisation, this paper provides a BPMN collaboration animator tool faithfully implementing the formal semantics, and its visualisation facilities support designers in debugging multi-instance collaboration models.
17 Citations
Formalising BPMN Service Interaction Patterns
- 2018
Computer Science, Business
In this work the depiction of the service interaction patterns in BPMN collaboration diagrams is revisited and fully formalised via a direct semantics for B PMN multi-instance collaborations, thus leaving no room for ambiguity and validating the BPMn semantics.
MIDA: Multiple Instances and Data Animator
- 2018
Computer Science
A novel model animator tool is provided for enhancing the understanding of BPMN collaborations and debugging errors that can easily arise in modelling them, called MIDA.
A First-Order Logic Semantics for Communication-Parametric BPMN Collaborations
- 2019
Computer Science
A formal semantics for a subset of BPMN is proposed, taking into account inter-process communication and parametric verification with reference to communication modes, and is given a direct formalization in First-Order Logic that is then implemented in TLA to enable formal verification.
A First-Order Logic verification framework for communication-parametric and time-aware BPMN collaborations
- 2022
Computer Science
UBBA: Unity Based BPMN Animator
- 2019
Computer Science
The tool UBBA is proposed, which creates a custom 3D virtual world from an input .bpmn file, and integrates into UB BA the semantics of the BPMN elements in order to enable the animation.
Preserving Data Consistency in Process Choreographies by Design (short paper)
- 2022
Computer Science
This paper motivates a framework allowing the design of data consistency-aware process choreographies and states that current choreography modeling languages provide limited data modeling capabilities, thus potential conflicts arising from data inconsistencies at runtime may remain undetected during design time.
A Data-Driven Approach to Discovering Process Choreography
- 2024
Computer Science, Business
A complete and modular data-driven approach that implements natural language processing techniques, text similarity, and process mining techniques through a set of methods and formal rules that enable analysis of the data contained in the event logs and the intra-organizational process models of the participants in the collaboration, to identify patterns that allow the discovery of the process choreography.
Detecting Data Flow Errors Across Processes in Business Process Collaboration
- 2020
Computer Science, Business
This article defines a set of data flow error patterns by analyzing and formalizing data dependencies in order to clearly clarify and identify errors and proposes a method based on BPMN to detect these errors caused by data dependency violations.
Integrated Simulation of Domain-Specific Modeling Languages with Petri Net-Based Transformational Semantics
- 2019
Computer Science, Engineering
The Rmt approach (Renew Meta-Modeling and Transformation) applies transformational semantics using Petri net formalisms as target languages in order to produce quick results for the development of modeling techniques.
35 References
An Operational Semantics of BPMN Collaboration
- 2015
Business, Computer Science
This paper provides a direct formalisation of the operational semantics of the OMG standard BPMN 2.0 in terms of Labelled Transition Systems LTS, paving the way for the use of consolidated formal reasoning techniques based on LTS e.g., model checking.
Global vs. Local Semantics of BPMN 2.0 OR-Join
- 2018
Business, Computer Science
The local semantics is devised to more efficiently determine the OR-Join enablement and the soundness of the approach is given by demonstrating the correspondence of the local semantics with respect to the global one.
Visualisation of (distributed) process execution based on extended BPMN
- 2003
Business, Computer Science
This paper proposes to put equal stress on visualisation of process execution, thus allowing process performers to understand the process history, its current state and possible future execution.
A Tool for Animating BPMN Token Flow
- 2012
Computer Science
This paper presents a software tool for animating the token flow of arbitrary process models that can handle different scenarios of gateway combinations, loops, expanded and attached sub-processes, untyped start and end events, as well as terminating end events.
A visual token-based formalization of BPMN 2.0 based on in-place transformations
- 2013
Computer Science
On Avoiding Erroneous Synchronization in BPMN Processes
- 2017
Computer Science
This work considers unsafe process models with arbitrary topology, and focuses on the effects of concurrent control flows activated within single process instances.
Data perspective in process choreographies : modeling and execution
- 2013
Computer Science, Business
This work provides a modeling guideline with the require artifacts and their operational semantics to allow automatic choreography enactment covering data retrieval, transformation, and correlation in BPMN, the industry standard.
Semantics and analysis of business process models in BPMN
- 2008
Computer Science, Business
Formal verification of complex business processes based on high-level Petri nets
- 2017
Business, Computer Science
A Process Semantics for BPMN
- 2008
Business, Computer Science
This paper shows how a subset of the BPMN can be given a process semantics in Communicating Sequential Processes, which allows developers to formally analyse and compare BPMn diagrams.