CHEF: A Pilot Chinese Dataset for Evidence-Based Fact-Checking

  title={CHEF: A Pilot Chinese Dataset for Evidence-Based Fact-Checking},
  author={Xuming Hu and Zhijiang Guo and Guan-Huei Wu and Aiwei Liu and Lijie Wen and Philip S. Yu},
CHEF, the first CHinese Evidence-based Fact-checking dataset of 10K real-world claims, is constructed and developed, able to model the evidence retrieval as a latent variable, allowing jointly training with the veracity prediction model in an end-to-end fashion.

Figures and Tables from this paper

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This paper introduces AVeriTeC, a new dataset of 4,568 real-world claims covering fact-checks by 50 different organizations, and develops a baseline as well as an evaluation scheme for verifying claims through several question-answering steps against the open web.

ViWikiFC: Fact-Checking for Vietnamese Wikipedia-Based Textual Knowledge Source

ViWikiFC is constructed, the first manual annotated open-domain corpus for Vietnamese Wikipedia Fact Checking more than 20K claims generated by converting evidence sentences extracted from Wikipedia articles, and demonstrates that the dataset is challenging for the Vietnamese language model in fact-checking tasks.

Give Me More Details: Improving Fact-Checking with Latent Retrieval

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Cross-Lingual Learning vs. Low-Resource Fine-Tuning: A Case Study with Fact-Checking in Turkish

The FCTR dataset, consisting of 3238 real-world claims, is introduced and in-context learning (zero-shot and few-shot) performance of large language models in this context indicates that the dataset has the potential to advance research in the Turkish language.

CFEVER: A Chinese Fact Extraction and VERification Dataset

CFEVER is presented, a Chinese dataset designed for Fact Extraction and VERification and demonstrates that the dataset is a new rigorous benchmark for factual extraction and verification, which can be further used for developing automated systems to alleviate human fact-checking efforts.

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The proposed FaGANet, an automated and accurate fact-checking model that leverages the power of sentence-level attention and graph attention network to enhance performance, adeptly integrates encoder-only models with graph attention network.

Augmenting the Veracity and Explanations of Complex Fact Checking via Iterative Self-Revision with LLMs

A unified framework called FactISR (Augmenting Fact-Checking via Iterative Self-Revision) to perform mutual feedback between veracity and explanations by leveraging the capabilities of large language models(LLMs).

HealthFC: Verifying Health Claims with Evidence-Based Medical Fact-Checking

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Do We Need Language-Specific Fact-Checking Models? The Case of Chinese

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Cross-Document Fact Verification Based on Evidential Graph Attention Network

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MultiFC: A Real-World Multi-Domain Dataset for Evidence-Based Fact Checking of Claims

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X-Fact: A New Benchmark Dataset for Multilingual Fact Checking

The largest publicly available multilingual dataset for factual verification of naturally existing real-world claims is introduced and several automated fact-checking models are developed that make use of additional metadata and evidence from news stories retrieved using a search engine.

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TabFact: A Large-scale Dataset for Table-based Fact Verification

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FEVER: a Large-scale Dataset for Fact Extraction and VERification

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Explainable Automated Fact-Checking for Public Health Claims

The results indicate that, by training on in-domain data, gains can be made in explainable, automated fact-checking for claims which require specific expertise.

Integrating Stance Detection and Fact Checking in a Unified Corpus

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A Survey on Automated Fact-Checking

This paper surveys automated fact-checking stemming from natural language processing, and presents an overview of existing datasets and models, aiming to unify the various definitions given and identify common concepts.

HoVer: A Dataset for Many-Hop Fact Extraction And Claim Verification

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GEAR: Graph-based Evidence Aggregating and Reasoning for Fact Verification

A graph-based evidence aggregating and reasoning (GEAR) framework which enables information to transfer on a fully-connected evidence graph and then utilizes different aggregators to collect multi-evidence information is proposed.