Challenges of Federating National Data Access Infrastructures
@inproceedings{Freudenthal2017ChallengesOF, title={Challenges of Federating National Data Access Infrastructures}, author={Margus Freudenthal and Jan Willemson}, booktitle={International Conference on Security for Information Technology and Communications}, year={2017}, url={} }
The nature and implications of differences in the legislation, technology and best practices used by Finland and Estonia in the context of federated installation of the X-Road infrastructure are discussed.
5 Citations
Federating X-Road System Overview
- 2018
Computer Science, Engineering
The main purpose of using X-Road system is that it allows the de facto data exchange standard in the public sector of Estonia and offers a uniform, cost-effective and high security to all exchanged data.
On State-Level Architecture of Digital Government Ecosystems: From ICT-Driven to Data-Centric
- 2021
Political Science, Computer Science
This paper systematically approach the state-level architecture of digital government ecosystems, discovering the primacy of the state’s institutional design in the architecture of digital government ecosystems, and establishing the notion of data governance architecture, which links data assets with accountable organizations.
On Architecture of e-Government Ecosystems: from e-Services to e-Participation: [iiWAS'2020 Keynote]
- 2020
Computer Science, Political Science
The primacy of the state's institutional design in the architecture of e-Government ecosystems is discovered and the notion of data governance architecture is arrived at, which provides the core of all system design efforts in e- government.
Application Research: Big Data in Food Industry
- 2021
Business, Agricultural and Food Sciences
A huge amount of data is being produced in the food industry, but the application of big data—regulatory, food enterprise, and food-related media data—is still in its infancy. Each data source has…
Data Exchange for Digital Government: Where Are We Heading? ADBIS2021 Keynote
- 2021
Computer Science, Political Science
5 References
A Secure and Scalable Infrastructure for Inter-Organizational Data Exchange and eGovernment Applications
- 2008
Computer Science, Business
This paper describes an infrastructure developed in Estonia that enables different organizations to access each other's data and rely on it when taking legally binding decisions and discusses technical details of X-Road together with the issues arising when the infrastructure is to be implemented on national or international level.
Scalable and efficient PKI for inter-organizational communication
- 2003
Computer Science
We propose an efficient and flexible system for a secure and authentic data exchange in a multiinstitutional environment, where the institutions maintain different databases and provide secure and…