Classification of Attitude Words for Opinion Mining
@article{Rojas2011ClassificationOA, title={Classification of Attitude Words for Opinion Mining}, author={Laritza Hern{\'a}ndez Rojas and Aurelio L{\'o}pez-L{\'o}pez and Jos{\'e} Eladio Medina-Pagola}, journal={Int. J. Comput. Linguistics Appl.}, year={2011}, volume={2}, pages={267-283}, url={} }
This work details appraisal extraction from attitude expressions, which are those single words that convey the evaluation of sentiments or emotional states, according to the Appraisal Theory of language.
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Vectors (opens in a new tab)Corpus (opens in a new tab)Random Forests (opens in a new tab)User-generated Content (opens in a new tab)Support Vector Machines (opens in a new tab)Summarization (opens in a new tab)Classification (opens in a new tab)Opinion Extraction (opens in a new tab)Opinion Mining (opens in a new tab)
6 Citations
Improving Attitude Words Classification for Opinion Mining Using Word Embedding
- 2018
Computer Science, Linguistics
This paper presents a corpus-based method for classifying attitude types (Affect, Judgment and Appreciation) and attitude orientation of words in Spanish relying on the Attitude system of the Appraisal Theory.
A Concise Representation for Detailed Sentiment Analysis
- 2015
Computer Science
This paper presents initial results in sentiment analysis clas- sication, as an attempt to go beyond categorizing texts only by 'positive' or 'negative' orientation, using ne-grained features for…
Systematic literature review of sentiment analysis in the Spanish language
- 2021
Linguistics, Computer Science
This study provides academics and professionals, a review of advances in Sentiment Analysis for the Spanish language, showing classification systems through three different approaches: Lexicon based, Machine Learning based and hybrid approaches.
Classifying the Mexican epidemiological semaphore colour from the Covid-19 text Spanish news
- 2024
Computer Science, Environmental Science
Evidence is provided that there is essential information in the news that can be used to determine the colour of the ES up to 4 weeks in advance, and a classification model, based on a transformer architecture specialised for the Spanish language, achieved up to 0.83 of F-measure.
Multi-view informed attention-based model for Irony and Satire detection in Spanish variants
- 2022
Linguistics, Computer Science
23 References
Recognizing Polarity and Attitude of Words in Text
- 2009
Computer Science, Linguistics
This work proposes a strategy to distinguish words that convey evaluation of an item from the rest, as well as to classify the evaluation polarity (positive or negative) and relies on Appraisal Theory to classify the evaluation words in affect, judgment and appreciation.
Using appraisal groups for sentiment analysis
- 2005
Computer Science, Linguistics
A new method for sentiment classification based on extracting and analyzing appraisal groups such as ``very good'' or ``not terribly funny'' is presented, based on several task-independent semantic taxonomies based on Appraisal Theory.
International Sentiment Analysis for News and Blogs
- 2008
Computer Science, Linguistics
This work explores an approach utilizing state-of-the-art machine translation technology and performs sentiment analysis on the English translation of a foreign language text and indicates that entity sentiment scores obtained by the method are statistically significantly correlated across nine languages of news sources and five languages of a parallel corpus.
Extracting Appraisal Expressions
- 2007
Computer Science, Linguistics
It is suggested here that appraisal expression extraction should be viewed as a fundamental task in sentiment analysis and a system for effectively extracting and disambiguating adjectival appraisal expressions in English outputting a generic representation in terms of their evaluative function in the text is described.
Measuring praise and criticism: Inference of semantic orientation from association
- 2003
Computer Science
This article introduces a method for inferring the semantic orientation of a word from its statistical association with a set of positive and negative paradigm words, based on two different statistical measures of word association.
Unsupervised Learning of Semantic Orientation from a Hundred-Billion-Word Corpus
- 2002
Computer Science
This paper introduces a simple algorithm for unsupervised learning of semantic orientation from extremely large corpora by issuing queries to a Web search engine and using pointwise mutual information to analyse the results.
Multilingual Feature-Driven Opinion Extraction and Summarization from Customer Reviews
- 2008
Computer Science, Linguistics
This paper presents a feature-driven opinion summarization method for customer reviews on the web based on identifying general features (characteristics) describing any product, product specific…
Analyzing Appraisal Automatically
- 2004
Computer Science, Linguistics
A standard method for calculating semantic orientation is applied, and a linguistic classification of Appraisal is applied that could be helpful in distinguishing different types of subjective texts (e.g., movie reviews from consumer product reviews).
Cross-Linguistic Sentiment Analysis: From English to Spanish
- 2009
Linguistics, Computer Science
The results indicate that, although languageindependent methods provide a decent baseline performance, there is also a significant cost to automation, and thus the best path to long-term improvement is through the inclusion of language-specific knowledge and resources.
Recognizing subjective sentences: a computational investigation of narrative text
- 1990
Computer Science, Linguistics
It is shown that references are understood differently in conversation, subjective sentences, and non-subjective sentences; namely, they are understood with respect to different sets of beliefs.