Classification of Ulcerative Colitis Severity in Colonoscopy Videos using CNN
@inproceedings{Alammari2017ClassificationOU, title={Classification of Ulcerative Colitis Severity in Colonoscopy Videos using CNN}, author={Ali Alammari and Abm Rezbaul Islam and Jung-Hwan Oh and Wallapak Tavanapong and Johnny S. Wong and Piet C. de Groen}, booktitle={International Conference on Information Management and Engineering}, year={2017}, url={} }
The experimental results show that the proposed UCS-CNN can evaluate the severity of UC reasonably and utilizes endoscopic domain knowledge and convolutional neural network to classify different UC severity of colonoscopy images.
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25 Citations
Enhanced Approach for the Classification of Ulcerative Colitis Severity in Colonoscopy Videos Using CNN
Computer Science, Medicine
The proposed preprocessing can improve the overall accuracy of evaluating the severity of UC and add more thorough and essential preprocessing to provide better accuracy for the classification.
Enhanced Approach for Classification of Ulcerative Colitis Severity in Colonoscopy Videos Using CNN
- 2019
Computer Science, Medicine
More thorough and essential preprocessing is added, subdivide each class of UC severity and generate more classes for the classification to accommodate large variations in patterns, and results show that the proposed preprocessing and generation of more classes can improve the overall accuracy of automated classification of the severity of UC.
UC-NfNet: Deep learning-enabled assessment of ulcerative colitis from colonoscopy images
- 2022
Medicine, Computer Science
High Accuracy in Classifying Endoscopic Severity in Ulcerative Colitis Using Convolutional Neural Network
- 2022
Medicine, Computer Science
A highly accurate, new, automated way of evaluating endoscopic images from patients with UC is developed that may optimize and standardize the evaluation of disease severity measured by the MES across centers no matter the level of medical expertise.
Constrained multiple instance learning for ulcerative colitis prediction using histological images
- 2022
Medicine, Computer Science
Patch-level instance-group discrimination with pretext-invariant learning for colitis scoring
- 2022
Medicine, Computer Science
A novel patch-level instance-group discrimination with pretext-invariant representation learning (PLD-PIRL) for self-supervised learning (SSL) is introduced which demonstrates both improved accuracy and robustness compared to the baseline supervised network and several state-of-the-art SSL methods.
UCFN Net: Ulcerative colitis evaluation based on fine-grained lesion learner and noise suppression gating
- 2024
Medicine, Computer Science
Training and deploying a deep learning model for endoscopic severity grading in ulcerative colitis using multicenter clinical trial data
- 2021
Medicine, Computer Science
This work presents an end-to-end fully automated system based on deep learning to predict a binary version of the Mayo Clinic Endoscopic Subscore directly from raw colonoscopy videos and demonstrates not only that artificial intelligence is able to accurately grade full endoscopic videos, but also that using diverse data sets obtained from multiple sites is critical to train robust AI models that could potentially be deployed on real-world data.
Colorectal Disease Classification Using Efficiently Scaled Dilation in Convolutional Neural Network
- 2020
Computer Science, Medicine
This work presents a robust architecture for endoscopic image classification using an efficient dilation in Convolutional Neural Network (CNNs) that has a high receptive field of view at the deep layers in increasing and decreasing dilation factor to preserve spatial details.
Detection and Classification of Colorectal Polyp Using Deep Learning
- 2022
Medicine, Computer Science
A convolutional neural network- (CNN-) based deep learning model is proposed that can detect and classify colorectal polyps from the colonoscopy images with 92% accuracy and achieves significantly better results than the competitive models.
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