Cluster allocation schemes for target tracking in multiple radar architecture
@article{Godrich2011ClusterAS, title={Cluster allocation schemes for target tracking in multiple radar architecture}, author={Hana Godrich and Athina P. Petropulu and H. Vincent Poor}, journal={2011 Conference Record of the Forty Fifth Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers (ASILOMAR)}, year={2011}, pages={863-867}, url={} }
In this paper, clustering of the multiple radar system is proposed, such that each cluster/subset covers a different search cell with the same accuracy threshold, and the overall number of active radars is minimized.
20 Citations
Resource Allocation Schemes for Multiple Targets Tracking in Distributed MIMO Radar Systems
- 2017
Simulation results indicate that the proposedMFMLS and MFMLS_OAT algorithm outperform the existing algorithms and can distinguish targets with different priorities, while the MFMLs_Oat algorithm can perform the tracking tasks with higher accuracy.
Sensor Selection for Multi-target Tracking in Phased Array Radar Network Under Hostile Environment
- 2020
Engineering, Computer Science
A novel sensor selection scheme is presented for multi-target tracking (MTT) in phased array radar (PAR) network under hostile environment to appropriately adjust the beams of multiple PARs with the aim of improving their MTT performance while decreasing the tracking capability of the enemy targets.
Power allocation for multiple targets localization in distributed MIMO radar system
- 2017
Computer Science, Engineering
Simulation results indicate that under different system layout and target Radar Cross Section (RCS), the proposed allocation algorithm can improve the resource utilization by using much less power budget than uniform allocation.
A Novel Sensor Selection and Power Allocation Algorithm for Multiple-Target Tracking in an LPI Radar Network
- 2016
A joint sensor selection and power allocation algorithm for multiple-target tracking in a radar network based on LPI is proposed and it is found that this algorithm can minimize the total transmitted power of a Radar network on the basis of a predetermined mutual information threshold between the target impulse response and the reflected signal.
Cooperative target assignment and dwell allocation for multiple target tracking in phased array radar network
- 2017
Computer Science, Engineering
Adaptive Channel Assignment for Maneuvering Target Tracking in Multistatic Passive Radar
- 2023
Simulation results demonstrate that these schemes can either achieve the highest MTT accuracy with $Q$ channels or reduce the number of channels while guaranteeing the MTT performance, compared with the traditional random channel allocation scheme.
Joint resource allocation scheme for target tracking in distributed MIMO radar systems
- 2019
A joint resource allocation scheme concerned with the sensor subset, power and bandwidth for range-only target tracking in multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) radar systems is proposed and the Bayesian Cramer-Rao bound (BCRB) is derived and the cyclic minimization algorithm incorporated with the sequential parametric convex approximation (SPCA).
LPI Optimization Framework for Radar Network Based on Minimum Mean-Square Error Estimation
- 2017
Engineering, Physics
A novel low probability of intercept (LPI) optimization framework in radar network is presented by minimizing the Schleher intercept factor based on minimum mean-square error (MMSE) estimation.
Joint Beam Selection and Power Allocation for Multiple Target Tracking in Netted Colocated MIMO Radar System
- 2016
Simulation results verify the superiority of the proposed JBSPA algorithm, in terms of the worst-case tracking accuracy of the multiple targets.
4 References
Sensor Selection in Distributed Multiple-Radar Architectures for Localization: A Knapsack Problem Formulation
- 2012
By minimizing the number of operational antennas needed to complete the task, this concept introduces savings in both communication link needs and central processing load, in addition to the operational ones.
Power Allocation Strategies for Target Localization in Distributed Multiple-Radar Architectures
- 2011
Computer Science, Engineering
It is shown that uniform or equal power allocation is not necessarily optimal and that the proposed power allocation algorithms result in local optima that provide either better localization MSE for the same power budget, or require less power to establish the same performance in terms of estimation MSE.
Target Localization Accuracy Gain in MIMO Radar-Based Systems
- 2010
Engineering, Physics
An analysis of target localization accuracy, attainable by the use of multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) radar systems, configured with multiple transmit and receive sensors, widely distributed over an area, shows that the best linear unbiased estimator (BLUE) is derived for the MIMO target localization problem.
Concepts and Applications of a MIMO Radar System with Widely Separated Antennas
- 2009
Engineering, Physics
This chapter contains sections titled: Background MIMO Radar Concept NonCoherent MIMO Radar Applications Coherent MIMO Radar Applications Chapter Summary Appendix 9A Deriving the FIM Appendix 9B…