Code-Switched Language Models Using Neural Based Synthetic Data from Parallel Sentences
@article{Winata2019CodeSwitchedLM, title={Code-Switched Language Models Using Neural Based Synthetic Data from Parallel Sentences}, author={Genta Indra Winata and Andrea Madotto and Chien-Sheng Wu and Pascale Fung}, journal={ArXiv}, year={2019}, volume={abs/1909.08582}, url={} }
A sequence-to-sequence model using a copy mechanism to generate code-switching data by leveraging parallel monolingual translations from a limited source of code- Switching data is proposed and achieves state-of-the-art performance and improves end- to-end automatic speech recognition.
Synthetic Code-switching Data (opens in a new tab)Equivalence Constraint Theory (opens in a new tab)Equivalence Constraints (opens in a new tab)Matrix Language (opens in a new tab)Parallel Sentences (opens in a new tab)Code-switching Language Models (opens in a new tab)Constituency Parsers (opens in a new tab)Copying Mechanism (opens in a new tab)Code-Switched Data (opens in a new tab)Sequence-to-sequence Models (opens in a new tab)
90 Citations
Optimizing Bilingual Neural Transducer with Synthetic Code-switching Text Generation
- 2022
Computer Science, Linguistics
It is found that semi-supervised training and synthetic code- Switched data can improve the bilingual ASR system on code-switching speech.
Modeling Code-Switch Languages Using Bilingual Parallel Corpus
- 2020
Computer Science, Linguistics
A bilingual attention language model (BALM) is proposed that simultaneously performs language modeling objective with a quasi-translation objective to model both the monolingual as well as the cross-lingual sequential dependency.
Data Augmentation for Code-Switch Language Modeling by Fusing Multiple Text Generation Methods
- 2020
Computer Science
An approach to obtain augmentation texts from three different viewpoints to enhance monolingual LM by selecting corresponding sentences for existing conversational corpora and to use text generation based on a pointer-generator network with copy mechanism, using a real CS text data for training.
Code-Switch Speech Rescoring with Monolingual Data
- 2021
Computer Science, Linguistics
This paper focuses on the code-switch speech recognition in mainland China, which is obviously different from the Hong Kong and Southeast Asia area in linguistic characteristics, and proposes a novel approach that only uses monolingual data for code- switch second-pass speech recognition which is also named language model rescoring.
Code-Switched Text Synthesis in Unseen Language Pairs
- 2023
Computer Science
This work introduces GLOSS, a model built on top of a pre-trained multilingual machine translation model (PMMTM) with an additional code-switching module that exhibits the ability to generalize and synthesize code- Switched texts across a broader spectrum of language pairs.
From Machine Translation to Code-Switching: Generating High-Quality Code-Switched Text
- 2021
Computer Science, Linguistics
This work adapts a state-of-the-art neural machine translation model to generate Hindi-English code-switched sentences starting from monolingual Hindi sentences to show significant reductions in perplexity on a language modeling task, compared to using text from other generative models of CS text.
Unsupervised Code-switched Text Generation from Parallel Text
- 2023
Computer Science, Linguistics
This work introduces a novel approach of forcing a multilingual MT system that was trained on non-CS data to generate CS translations and shows that simply leveraging the shared representations of two languages yields better CS text generation and, ultimately, better CS ASR.
The Effect of Alignment Objectives on Code-Switching Translation
- 2023
Computer Science, Linguistics
A way of training a single machine translation model that is able to translate monolingual sentences from one language to another, along with translating code-switched sentences to either language, can be considered a bilingual model in the human sense.
Unified Model for Code-Switching Speech Recognition and Language Identification Based on Concatenated Tokenizer
- 2023
Computer Science, Linguistics
A new method for creating code-switching ASR datasets from purely monolingual data sources, and a novel Concatenated Tokenizer that enables ASR models to generate language ID for each emitted text token while reusing existing monolingUAL tokenizers are proposed.
A Semi-supervised Approach to Generate the Code-Mixed Text using Pre-trained Encoder and Transfer Learning
- 2020
Computer Science, Linguistics
This work proposes an effective deep learning approach for automatically generating the code-mixed text from English to multiple languages without any parallel data, and transfers the knowledge from a neural machine translation to warm-start the training of code- mixed generator.
30 References
Recurrent neural network language modeling for code switching conversational speech
- 2013
Computer Science, Linguistics
This paper proposes a structure of recurrent neural networks to predict code-switches based on textual features with focus on Part-of-Speech tags and trigger words and extends the networks by adding POS information to the input layer and by factorizing the output layer into languages.
Code-Switch Language Model with Inversion Constraints for Mixed Language Speech Recognition
- 2012
Computer Science, Linguistics
This work proposes a first ever code-switch language model for mixed language speech recognition that incorporates syntactic constraints by a code- switch boundary prediction model, acode-switch translation model, and a reconstruction model that is more robust than previous approaches.
Language Modeling with Functional Head Constraint for Code Switching Speech Recognition
- 2014
Computer Science, Linguistics
This paper proposes to learn the code mixing language model from bilingual data with this constraint in a weighted finite state transducer (WFST) framework and obtains a constrained code switch language model by first expanding the search network with a translation model, and then using parsing to restrict paths to those permissible under the constraint.
Code-Switching Language Modeling using Syntax-Aware Multi-Task Learning
- 2018
Computer Science
This paper introduces multi-task learning based language model which shares syntax representation of languages to leverage linguistic information and tackle the low resource data issue.
Code-switched Language Models Using Dual RNNs and Same-Source Pretraining
- 2018
Computer Science
A novel recurrent neural network unit with dual components that focus on each language in the code-switched text separately and Pretraining the LM using synthetic text from a generative model estimated using the training data is proposed.
Combination of Recurrent Neural Networks and Factored Language Models for Code-Switching Language Modeling
- 2013
Computer Science, Linguistics
A way to integrate partof-speech tags (POS) and language information (LID) into these models which leads to significant improvements in terms of perplexity and it is shown that recurrent neural networks and factored language models can be combined using linear interpolation to achieve the best performance.
Curriculum Design for Code-switching: Experiments with Language Identification and Language Modeling with Deep Neural Networks
- 2017
Computer Science, Linguistics
This study shows that irrespective of the task or the underlying DNN architecture, the best curriculum for training the code-switched models is to first train a network with monolingual training instances, where each mini-batch has instances from both languages, and then train the resulting network on code- Switched data.
Language Modeling for Code-Mixing: The Role of Linguistic Theory based Synthetic Data
- 2018
Linguistics, Computer Science
A computational technique for creation of grammatically valid artificial CM data based on the Equivalence Constraint Theory is presented and it is shown that when training examples are sampled appropriately from this synthetic data and presented in certain order, it can significantly reduce the perplexity of an RNN-based language model.
Syntactic and Semantic Features For Code-Switching Factored Language Models
- 2015
Computer Science, Linguistics
The experimental results reveal that Brown word clusters, part-of-speech tags and open-class words are the most effective at reducing the perplexity of factored language models on the Mandarin-English Code-Switching corpus SEAME.
Syllable-Based Sequence-to-Sequence Speech Recognition with the Transformer in Mandarin Chinese
- 2018
Computer Science, Linguistics
Sequence-to-sequence attention-based models have recently shown very promising results on automatic speech recognition (ASR) tasks, which integrate an acoustic, pronunciation and language model into…