Combining Active Learning and Self-Labeling for Data Stream Mining

  title={Combining Active Learning and Self-Labeling for Data Stream Mining},
  author={Lukasz Korycki and B. Krawczyk},
  booktitle={International Conference on Computer Recognition Systems},
This work proposes to augment the active learning module with self-labeling approach, which allows classifier to automatically label instances for which it displays the highest certainty and use them for further training.

Mining Drifting Data Streams on a Budget: Combining Active Learning with Self-Labeling

This paper proposes a novel framework for mining drifting data streams on a budget, by combining information coming from active learning and self-labeling, and introduces several strategies that can take advantage of both intelligent instance selection and semi-supervised procedures, while taking into account the potential presence of concept drift.

Combining self-labeling and demand based active learning for non-stationary data streams

This work focuses on scarcely labeled data streams and proposes a novel online $k$-nn classifier that combines self-labeling and demand-based active learning and explores the potential of self- labels in gradually drifting data streams.

Active Learning with Abstaining Classifiers for Imbalanced Drifting Data Streams

This work proposes an online framework for binary classification that is able to prioritize labeling of minority instances and, as a result, improve the balance of the learning process, and combines the strategy with a dynamic ensemble of base learners that can abstain from making decisions, if they are very uncertain.

Active Learning Embedded in Incremental Decision Trees

This paper proposes the use of active learning techniques for stream mining algorithms, specifically incremental Hoeffding trees-based, and takes advantage of the incremental tree original structure to avoid overburdening the original computational cost when selecting a label.

An incremental self-trained ensemble algorithm

The scope of this work is to examine the ability of a learning scheme that operates under shortage of labeled data for classification tasks, based on an incrementally updated ensemble algorithm.

Adaptive Learning With Extreme Verification Latency in Non-Stationary Environments

A novel approach, “Predictor for Streaming Data with Scarce Labels” (PSDSL), which is capable of intelligently switching between self-learning, CGC and micro-clustering strategies, based on the problem it is applied to, i.e., the different characteristics of the data streams is proposed.

Crowdsourcing with Meta-Workers: A New Way to Save the Budget

This empirical study confirms that, by combining machine and human intelligence, it can accomplish a crowdsourcing project with a lower budget than state-of-the-art task assignment methods, while achieving a superior or comparable quality.

Active Learning With Drifting Streaming Data

This paper presents a theoretically supported framework for active learning from drifting data streams and develops three active learning strategies for streaming data that explicitly handle concept drift, based on uncertainty, dynamic allocation of labeling efforts over time, and randomization of the search space.

A hybrid decision tree training method using data streams

This paper proposes an algorithm that is able to co-train decision trees using a modified NGE (Nested Generalized Exemplar) algorithm, and the potential for adaptation of the proposed algorithm and the quality thereof are evaluated through computer experiments.

Concurrent Semi-supervised Learning with Active Learning of Data Streams

Experiments show that CSL-Stream outperforms prominent clustering and classification algorithms (D-Stream and SmSCluster) in terms of accuracy, speed and scalability and paves the way for a new research direction in understanding latent commonalities among various data mining tasks in order to exploit the power of concurrent stream mining.

Efficient Online Evaluation of Big Data Stream Classifiers

A new evaluation methodology for big data streams is proposed that addresses unbalanced data streams, data where change occurs on different time scales, and the question of how to split the data between training and testing, over multiple models.

Online Extreme Entropy Machines for Streams Classification and Active Learning

This paper shows how recently proposed Extreme Entropy Machine can be trained in an online fashion supporting not only adding/removing points to/from the model but even changing the size of the internal representation on demand.

Self-labeled techniques for semi-supervised learning: taxonomy, software and empirical study

This paper provides a survey of self-labeled methods for semi-supervised classification and proposes a taxonomy based on the main characteristics presented in them, aiming to measure their performance in terms of transductive and inductive classification capabilities.

Adaptive Learning from Evolving Data Streams

A method for developing algorithms that can adaptively learn from data streams that drift over time, based on using change detectors and estimator modules at the right places and choosing implementations with theoretical guarantees in order to extend such guarantees to the resulting adaptive learning algorithm.

Ensembles of Heterogeneous Concept Drift Detectors - Experimental Study

This work proposes how to detect the changes in the data stream using combined concept drift detection model, focusing on the classification task, which is very popular in many practical cases as fraud detection, network security, or medical diagnosis.