Compact Real-time Avoidance on a Humanoid Robot for Human-robot Interaction

  title={Compact Real-time Avoidance on a Humanoid Robot for Human-robot Interaction},
  author={Dong Hai Phuong Nguyen and Matej Hoffmann and Alessandro Roncone and U. Pattacini and Giorgio Metta},
  journal={2018 13th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI)},
This work presents a framework on a humanoid robot that dynamically maintains such a protective safety zone, composed of a human 2D keypoints estimation pipeline employing a deep learning based algorithm and a distributed peripersonal space representation around the robot's body parts.

HARMONIOUS—Human-Like Reactive Motion Control and Multimodal Perception for Humanoid Robots

A new reactive motion controller that commands two arms of a humanoid robot and three torso joints and forms a quadratic program that seeks joint velocity commands respecting multiple constraints while minimizing the magnitude of the velocities is presented.

Learning peripersonal space in a humanoid robot and its application to safe human-robot interaction

The paper presents research to develop the peripersonal space (PPS) representation in robots through a self-supervised learning procedure, which is motivated by the development of perception and

Collision Preventing Phase-Progress Control for Velocity Adaptation in Human-Robot Collaboration

New approaches to robot velocity modulation are proposed that dynamically determine the possible robot-induced collisions and apply a novel velocity modulating approach, in which the phase progress of the robot trajectory is modulated while the desired robot path remains intact.

Sensorimotor Representation Learning for an “Active Self” in Robots: A Model Survey

This paper provides a survey of robotics models of these sensory representations of body schema, peripersonal space, and the active self in humans and proposes a theoretical computational framework, which aims to allow the emergence of the sense of self in artificial agents by developing sensory representations through self-exploration.

Contact Anticipation for Physical Human–Robot Interaction with Robotic Manipulators using Onboard Proximity Sensors

A framework that unites obstacle avoidance and deliberate physical interaction for robotic manipulators is presented, which allows a manipulator with onboard proximity sensors to track nearby objects and reduce contact forces in anticipation of a collision.

Toward safe separation distance monitoring from RGB-D sensors in human-robot interaction

A framework that realizes separation distance monitoring between a robot and a human operator in a detailed, yet versatile, transparent, and tunable fashion and can be selectively modified to account for specific conditions is presented.

Merging Physical and Social Interaction for Effective Human-Robot Collaboration

A possible integration of physical and social Human-Robot Interaction methods (pHRI and sHRI respectively) is shown and possible extension with higher-level planning systems for added flexibility and reasoning skills is discussed.

A Framework for the Systematic Evaluation of Obstacle Avoidance and Object-Aware Controllers

From the analysis, it is found that the design of object-aware controllers often lacks kinematic considerations, continuity of control points, and stability in movement profiles, and this framework can be used in the future to design, compare, and benchmark obstacle avoidance methods.

Should a small robot have a small personal space? Investigating personal spatial zones and proxemic behavior in human-robot interaction

The leaning back behavior of the robot was correctly interpreted by most participants as the robot's reaction to the intrusion of its personal space; however, the implementation of the behavior was often perceived as "unfriendly".

A depth space approach to human-robot collision avoidance

A fast method to evaluate distances between the robot and possibly moving obstacles (including humans), based on the concept of depth space, is used to generate repulsive vectors that are used to control the robot while executing a generic motion task.

Collision detection and reaction: A contribution to safe physical Human-Robot Interaction

The proposed collision detection and reactions methods prove to work very reliably and are effective in reducing contact forces far below any level which is dangerous to humans.

Learning peripersonal space representation through artificial skin for avoidance and reaching with whole body surface

This work presents a unique method that lets a robot learn a distributed representation of space around its body (or peripersonal space) by exploiting a whole-body artificial skin and through physical contact with the environment.

Robot Collisions: A Survey on Detection, Isolation, and Identification

This survey paper review, extend, compare, and evaluate experimentally model-based algorithms for real-time collision detection, isolation, and identification that use only proprioceptive sensors that cover the context-independent phases of the collision event pipeline for robots interacting with the environment.

Enabling Depth-Driven Visual Attention on the iCub Humanoid Robot: Instructions for Use and New Perspectives

It is shown that this ELAS Matching algorithm allows reliable depth perception and experimental evidence that demonstrates that it can be used to solve challenging visual tasks in real-world, indoor settings.

Elastic Strips: A Framework for Motion Generation in Human Environments

The elastic strip framework presented in this paper enables the execution of a previously planned motion in a dynamic environment for robots with many degrees of freedom, and encompasses methods to suspend task behavior when its execution becomes inconsistent with other constraints imposed on the motion.

Stereo-based Markerless Human Motion Capture for Humanoid Robot Systems

This paper presents an image-based markerless human motion capture system, intended for humanoid robot systems, which tackles problems by combining multiple cues within a particle filter framework, allowing the system to recover from wrong estimations in a natural way.

Peripersonal Space and Margin of Safety around the Body: Learning Visuo-Tactile Associations in a Humanoid Robot with Artificial Skin

A biologically motivated model of peripersonal space through its implementation on a humanoid robot and a computational model inspired by the receptive fields of polymodal neurons identified, for example, in brain areas F4 and VIP are developed.

Exploiting robot redundancy in collision detection and reaction

We present a method that allows automatic reaction of a robot to physical collisions, while preserving as much as possible the execution of a Cartesian task for which the robot is kinematically