Comparison of SeaWiFS measurements of the Moon with the U.S. Geological Survey lunar model.
@article{Barnes2004ComparisonOS, title={Comparison of SeaWiFS measurements of the Moon with the U.S. Geological Survey lunar model.}, author={Robert Barnes and Robert E. Eplee and Frederick S. Patt and Hugh H. Kieffer and Thomas C. Stone and Gerhard Meister and James J. Butler and Charles R. McClain}, journal={Applied optics}, year={2004}, volume={43 31}, pages={ 5838-54 }, url={} }
The Sea-Viewing Wide-Field-of-View Sensor calibration team has developed a correction for the instrument's on-orbit response changes, and a lunar irradiance model developed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compared with the SeaWiFS model.
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60 Citations
MODIS and SeaWIFS on-orbit lunar calibration
- 2008
Environmental Science, Physics
The Moon plays an important role in the radiometric stability monitoring of the NASA Earth Observing System's (EOS) remote sensors. The MODIS and SeaWIFS are two of the key instruments for NASA's EOS…
Comparison of SeaWiFS on-orbit lunar and vicarious calibrations
- 2006
Environmental Science, Physics
The NASA Ocean Biology Processing Group's Calibration and Validation Team has used monthly lunar calibrations of SeaWiFS to establish and maintain the on-orbit radiometric stability of instrument at…
Use of the Moon to support on-orbit sensor calibration for climate change measurements
- 2006
Engineering, Environmental Science
Production of reliable climate datasets from multiple observational measurements acquired by remote sensing satellite systems available now and in the future places stringent requirements on the…
SeaWiFS long-term solar diffuser reflectance trend analysis
- 2006
Environmental Science, Physics
The NASA Ocean Biology Processing Group's Calibration and Validation (Cal/Val) Team implemented daily solar calibrations of SeaWiFS to look for step-function changes in the instrument response and…
Potential for calibration of geostationary meteorological imagers using the Moon
- 2005
Environmental Science, Physics
Solar-band imagery from geostationary meteorological satellites has been utilized in a number of important applications in Earth Science that require radiometric calibration. Because these satellite…
Uncertainty assessment of the SeaWiFS on-orbit calibration
- 2011
Environmental Science, Physics
Ocean color climate data records require water-leaving radiances with 5% absolute and 1% relative accuracies as input. Because of the amplification of any sensor calibration errors by the atmospheric…
Use of the moon as a calibration reference for NPP VIIRS
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Environmental Science, Physics
The Moon has served as a reference for several satellite instruments including SeaWiFS and MODIS, both of which provide design innovations for NPP VIIRS. However, as yet, the Moon is not a formal…
Multiyear lunar observations from TRMM/VIRS, Terra/MODIS, and Aqua/MODIS
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This work demonstrates how lunar data are used by three different imaging radiometers: the Visible and InfraRed Scanner (VIRS) onboard the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) and the MODerate…
Stellar calibration of the ROLO lunar radiometric reference
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Physics, Engineering
The Lunar Calibration program at the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in Flagstaff, AZ, provides the radiometric reference of the Moon as a source for calibration at reflected-solar wavelengths. To…
Use of Moon Observations for Characterization of Sentinel-3B Ocean and Land Color Instrument
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The results of activities along with the proposed update of stray-light correction developed with the use of lunar data are described.
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Engineering, Environmental Science
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Engineering, Physics
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Engineering, Environmental Science
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Environmental Science, Physics
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Environmental Science
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Engineering, Environmental Science
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Environmental Science
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Engineering, Environmental Science
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Modeling the radiance of the moon for on-orbit calibration
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Physics, Engineering
The RObotic Lunar Observatory (ROLO) project has developed radiometric models of the Moon for disk-integrated irradiance and spatially resolved radiance. Although the brightness of the Moon varies…