Computational complexity of weighted splitting schemes on parallel computers

  title={Computational complexity of weighted splitting schemes on parallel computers},
  author={Petra Csom{\'o}s and Ivan Tomov Dimov and Istv{\'a}n Farag{\'o} and {\'A}gnes Havasi and Tzvetan Ostromsky},
  journal={International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems},
  pages={137 - 147},
  • P. CsomósI. Dimov Tzvetan Ostromsky
  • Published in 1 May 2007
  • Computer Science
  • International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems
The computational times needed for the weighted splitting methods are studied in comparison with the sequential splitting and the Marchuk–Strang (MSt) splitting and are illustrated by numerical experiments performed by use of simplified versions of the Danish Eulerian model (DEM).

Air pollution modelling, sensitivity analysis and parallel implementation

A new approach for Sensitivity Analysis (SA) in the field of air pollution modelling is proposed and applied to the Unified Danish Eulerian Model (UNI-DEM), a large-scale air pollution model. The SA

Operator splitting in simulation of detonation structure

The effect of four splitting procedures; two first order splitting named (i) hydrodynamic-kinetic; H-K splitting, (ii) kinetic-hydrodynamic; K-H splitting and two second order Strang type splitting,

Testing Weighted Splitting Schemes on a One-Column Transport-Chemistry Model

Another second-order splitting introduced by Strang in 1963 is tested, called symmetrically weighted sequential (SWS) splitting, which is simple and straightforward to apply, independent of the order of the operators and has an operator-level parallelism.

Challenges in Using Splitting Techniques for Large-Scale Environmental Modeling

Several splitting schemes for large scale air pollution models are analysed and tested in a set of numerical experiments with respect to the splitting error and the computational properties of these splitting schemes are analysed from algorithmic point of view.

On the convergence and local splitting error of different splitting schemes

The convergence of different splitting methods – sequential, Strang, weighted sequential and weighted Strang splitting – is investigated in the semigroup context both for linear and m-dissipative

Flexible Two-Level Parallel Implementations of a Large Air Pollution Model

The Danish Eulerian Model (DEM) is used and it is shown by experiments that MPI and OpenMP can both be used on separate levels of parallelism to get the best use of the clustered parallel machines.

Splitting method and its application in air pollution modeling

The problems concerning the numerical solution of the chemistry-transport equations - the basis of all air pollution models - and the operator splitting procedure are discussed. The main aim of the

Three-Dimensional Version of the Danish Eulerian Model

The efforts to solve some of the numerical problems arising during the development of a large three-dimensional air pollution model (with non-linear chemical reactions) will be discussed in this paper.