Computing Skyline Using Taxicab Geometry
@article{Ghosh2017ComputingSU, title={Computing Skyline Using Taxicab Geometry}, author={Partha Ghosh and Takaaki Goto and Soumya Sen}, journal={2017 5th Intl Conf on Applied Computing and Information Technology/4th Intl Conf on Computational Science/Intelligence and Applied Informatics/2nd Intl Conf on Big Data, Cloud Computing, Data Science (ACIT-CSII-BCD)}, year={2017}, pages={7-12}, url={} }
This research work uses Taxicab distance calculation to consider the presence of obstacles and apply it to compute skyline of geographically dispersed data.
2 Citations
Taxicab Geometry Based Analysis on Skyline for Business Intelligence
- 2018
Computer Science, Business
This research article focuses upon multiple visiting points for the travelers in an optimized way and uses Taxicab geometry for distance calculation, which is a simple Non-Euclidian geometry with minimum time complexity.
Scientific Organization of Blood Donation Camp Through Lexicographic Optimization and Taxicab Path Computation
- 2023
Computer Science, Medicine
This research has applied a lexicographic optimization based model for finding best available blood bank from the point of blood donation camp and Alternative taxicab geometry based paths are used for finding the best possible shortest path from the blood donor camp to the blood bank.
15 References
Ranking skyline points by computing nearest neighbor of Best Skyline Point
- 2015
Computer Science
A effective way of computing skyline and ranking points by finding the Best Skyline Point (BSP) among the dataset is proposed.
An alternative solution of skyline operation to reduce computational complexity
- 2016
Computer Science
This research work focuses on the reduction of computational complexity by selecting the most important dimension of the database and transfers the other entire dimension in that form and finally ranks the points accordingly.
Efficient Progressive Skyline Computation
- 2001
Computer Science
This paper presents two novel algorithms, Bitmap and Index, to compute the skyline of a set of points, and shows that the proposed algorithms provide quick initial response time with Index being superior in most cases.
Location-Dependent Skyline Query
- 2008
Computer Science
This paper focuses on the query processing and result validation of LDSQ over static objects and proposes two algorithms, namely brute-forth and delta-scanning, which significantly improves the performance via space pruning.
Constrained Skyline Query Processing against Distributed Data Sites
- 2011
Computer Science
This paper proposes a partition algorithm that divides all data sites into incomparable groups such that the skyline computations in all groups can be parallelized without changing the final result, and develops a novel algorithm framework called PaDSkyline for parallel skyline query processing among partitioned site groups.
The Skyline operator
- 2001
Computer Science
This work shows how SSL can be extended to pose Skyline queries, present and evaluate alternative algorithms to implement the Skyline operation, and shows how this operation can be combined with other database operations, e.g., join.
Locating lucrative passengers for taxicab drivers
- 2013
Business, Computer Science
This work analyzes large amounts of GPS location data of taxicabs to compute a high-level profit-maximizing strategy for taxi drivers and shows that taxi drivers whose behaviors agree with the proposed strategy generate more profit than average drivers.
Maximal Vector Computation in Large Data Sets
- 2005
Computer Science, Mathematics
A new external algorithm, LESS, is introduced that combines the best features of the initial algorithms proposed for maximals, based on divide-and-conquer, and it is proved its average-case running time is O(kn).
U-Skyline: A New Skyline Query for Uncertain Databases
- 2013
Computer Science
A new uncertain skyline query, called U-Skyline query, that searches for a set of tuples that has the highest probability (aggregated from all possible scenarios) as the skyline answer, and proposes a number of optimization techniques for query processing.