Correction to "A Hardware Hashing Scheme in the Design of a Multiterm String Comparator"

  title={Correction to "A Hardware Hashing Scheme in the Design of a Multiterm String Comparator"},
  journal={IEEE Transactions on Computers},
  • Burkowski
  • Published 1 April 1984
  • Computer Science
  • IEEE Transactions on Computers
1 Citation

A Bibliography of IEEE Transactions on Computers (1980{1989)

(2m± 1) [HGS83b]. (d, k) [MR82]. (N,K) [KK86]. 1 [wu87b]. 1/2 [ZW87]. 2 [FLN89, Jes80a, KR82, RY82]. 2(log2N)− 1 [Lee85b]. 2/3 [ZW87]. 22n+ 1 [STR87]. 2m [PNH88]. 3 [WH88]. 4 [KW81, TPSS85]. 5.8n

Hardware for Searching Very Large Text Datahases

It is shown that conventional techniques for searching current databases cannot be scaled up to larger ones, and that it is necessary to build hardware to search the database in parallel if reasonable search times are expected.