Data Provenance in Citizen Science Databases

  title={Data Provenance in Citizen Science Databases},
  author={Nikita Tiufiakov and Ajantha Dahanayake and Tatiana Zudilova},
  booktitle={Symposium on Advances in Databases and Information Systems},
The purpose of this work is to build a prototype of a database with built-in data provenance, and several databases systems and models such as Relational databases, NoSQL databases are taken into consideration.
1 Citation

An analysis of pollution Citizen Science projects from the perspective of Data Science and Open Science

A set of guidelines and recommendations for better adoption of Data Science and Open Science principles in Citizen Science projects are provided, and a software tool is introduced to support this adoption, with a focus on preparation of data management plans in Citizen science projects.

Capturing quality: retaining provenance for curated volunteer monitoring data

This work explores some of the current challenges and opportunities in implementing ICT for managing volunteer monitoring data, and proposes a novel data model for preserving provenance metadata that allows for ongoing data exchange between disparate technical systems and participant skill levels.

Why and Where: A Characterization of Data Provenance

An approach to computing provenance when the data of interest has been created by a database query is described, adopting a syntactic approach and present results for a general data model that applies to relational databases as well as to hierarchical data such as XML.

Community-based Data Validation Practices in Citizen Science

The findings describe the processes that both relied upon and added to information provenance through information stewardship behaviors, which led to improved reliability and informativity in community-based data validation practices and the characteristics of records of wildlife species observations.

Supporting fine-grained data lineage in a database visualization environment

This paper proposes a novel method to support fine-grained data lineage that lazily computes the lineage using a limited amount of information about the processing operators and the base data, and introduces the notions of weak inversion and verification.

A Flexible Database-Centric Platform for Citizen Science Data Capture

The paper describes a platform developed by the Extreme Citizen Science (ExCiteS) group at University College London over the past five years to facilitate online data capture by Citizen Scientists

A Polygen Model for Heterogeneous Database Systems: The Source Tagging Perspective

A polygen model for resolving the Data Source Tagging and Intermediate source Tagging problems is presented and a data-driven query translation mechanism for mapping a polygen query into a set of local queries dynamically is presented.

Query Analytics over Probabilistic Databases with Unmerged Duplicates

A novel indexing structure for efficient access to the entity resolution information and novel techniques for the efficient evaluation of complex probabilistic queries that retrieve analytical and summarized information over a (potentially, huge) collection of possible resolution worlds are presented.

Next Steps for Citizen Science

Around the globe, thousands of research projects are engaging millions of individuals—many of whom are not trained as scientists—in collecting, categorizing, transcribing, or analyzing scientific data, known as citizen science.

SQL databases v. NoSQL databases

Michael Stonebraker considers several performance arguments in favor of NoSQL databases---and finds them insufficient.