• Corpus ID: 6738572

Efficient allocation algorithms for OLAP over imprecise data

  title={Efficient allocation algorithms for OLAP over imprecise data},
  author={Douglas Burdick and Prasad Deshpande and T. S. Jayram and Raghu Ramakrishnan and Shivakumar Vaithyanathan},
  booktitle={Very Large Data Bases Conference},
Recent work proposed extending the OLAP data model to support data ambiguity, specifically imprecision and uncertainty. A process called allocation was proposed to transform a given imprecise fact table into a form, called the Extended Database, that can be readily used to answer OLAP aggregation queries.In this work, we present scalable, efficient algorithms for creating the Extended Database (i.e., performing allocation) for a given imprecise fact table. Many allocation policies require… 

Figures and Tables from this paper

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This paper describes a relatively simple yet powerful constraint language, and formalizes what it means to take into account such constraints in query answering, and proves that OLAP queries can be answered efficiently given a database D* of fact marginals.

Deputy Mechanism for OLAP over Imprecise Data and Composite Measure

This paper extends the OLAP data model using deputy mechanism and proposes some operators to support those OLAP applications and is believed to be the first paper to handle both imprecise data and composite measure in an OLAP setting.

A Decomposition Framework for Computing and Querying Multidimensional OLAP Data Cubes over Probabilistic Relational Data

This paper proposes a novel decomposition framework for efficiently computing and querying multidimensional OLAP data cubes over probabilistic data, which well-capture previous kind of data.

OLAP Over Uncertain and Imprecise Data: Fundamental Issues and Novel Research Perspectives

    A. Cuzzocrea
    Computer Science, Mathematics
  • 2010
This paper provides a spectrum of research contributions focused on OLAP over uncertain and imprecise data, ranging from theoretical models to a critical analysis of state-of-the-art proposals and a discussion on novel research perspectives.

Efficiently Computing and Querying Multidimensional OLAP Data Cubes over Probabilistic Relational Data

A novel framework for efficiently computing and querying multidimensional OLAP data cubes over probabilistic data, which well-capture previous kinds of data is proposed, based on well-understood theoretical statistical/probabilistic tools.

Efficient cube computing on an extended multidimensional model over uncertain data

The UStar-Schema model is described that extends the traditional OLAP model to support uncertain dimension attributes in fact table, uncertain measures in facttable and uncertainty in dimension table and a novel index structure called PSI-Index is designed on U star- Schema to improve efficiency of OLAP quering and cube computing.

OLAP over probabilistic data cubes I: Aggregating, materializing, and querying

This paper proposes a complete set of techniques for probabilistic data cubes, from cuboid aggregation, over cube materialization, to query evaluation, and presents two aggregation methods: convolution and sketch-based.

Efficient Updates for OLAP Range Queries on Flash Memory

This paper explores efficient ways to use flash memory to store online analytical processing (OLAP) data and takes a four-pronged approach to overcome the problem of expensive in-place updates by using a quadtree index structure instead of the R-tree.

Top-k Queries in Uncertain OLAP CMSC 724 Project

This project introduces a complete solution for top-k query in uncertain OLAP including query semantic definition, query processing algorithm and data materialization.

Top-k Queries in Uncertain OLAP Master Scholarly Paper

This project introduces a solution for top-k query evaluation in uncertain OLAP including query semantic definition, query processing algorithm and data materialization.

OLAP over uncertain and imprecise data

This is the first paper to handle both imprecision and uncertainty in an OLAP setting and identify three natural query properties and use them to shed light on alternative query semantics.

Trio: A System for Integrated Management of Data, Accuracy, and Lineage

This paper provides numerous motivating applications for Trio and lays out preliminary plans for the data model, query language, and prototype system.

Evaluating probabilistic queries over imprecise data

This paper addresses the important issue of measuring the quality of the answers to query evaluation based upon uncertain data, and provides algorithms for efficiently pulling data from relevant sensors or moving objects in order to improve thequality of the executing queries.

On the Computation of Multidimensional Aggregates

This paper presents fast algorithms for computing a collection of group bys using sort-based and hashbased grouping methods with several .optimizations, like combining common operations across multiple groupbys, caching, and using pre-computed group-by8 for computing other groupbys.

Implementing Data Cubes E ciently

This paper investigates the issue of which cells (views) to materialize when it is too expensive to materialized all views, and presents greedy algorithms that work o this lattice and determine a good set of views to materializing.

Implementing data cubes efficiently

This paper investigates the issue of which cells (views) to materialize when it is too expensive to materialized all views, and presents greedy algorithms that work off this lattice and determine a good set of views to materializing.

Fast Computation of Sparse Datacubes

This work proposes a novel algorithm for the fast computation of datacubes over sparse relations, and demonstrates the efficiency of the algorithm using synthetic, benchmark and real-world data sets.

Direct transitive closure algorithms: design and performance evaluation

This work presents new algorithms for computing transitive closure of large database relations that do not depend on the length of paths in the underlying graph and proposes a new methodology for evaluating the performance of recursive queries.

Efficient query evaluation on probabilistic databases

It is shown that the data complexity of some queries is #P-complete, which implies that these queries do not admit any efficient evaluation methods, and an optimization algorithm is described that can compute efficiently most queries.

Scaling EM (Expectation Maximization) Clustering to Large Databases

A scalable implementation of the Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm, which constructs proper statistical models of the underlying data source and naturally generalizes to cluster databases containing both discrete-valued and continuous-valued data.