Emotion recognition using multi-modal data and machine learning techniques: A tutorial and review

  title={Emotion recognition using multi-modal data and machine learning techniques: A tutorial and review},
  author={Jianhua Zhang and Zhong Yin and Peng Chen and Stefano Nichele},
  journal={Inf. Fusion},

Human emotion recognition from EEG-based brain–computer interface using machine learning: a comprehensive review

This study reviews emotion recognition methods that rely on multi-channel EEG signal-based BCIs and provides an overview of what has been accomplished and suggests several challenges and future research directions in the recognition and classification of human emotional states using EEG.

Role of machine learning and deep learning techniques in EEG-based BCI emotion recognition system: a review

This study reviews EEG-based BCIs for emotion identification and gives an outline of the progress made and highlights the applications, challenges and potential areas for future research in identification and classification of human emotional states.

Emotion Recognition Using Different Sensors, Emotion Models, Methods and Datasets: A Comprehensive Review

The proposed survey can help researchers gain a better understanding of existing emotion recognition systems, thus facilitating the selection of suitable sensors, algorithms, and datasets and compares the advantages and disadvantages of different sensors for emotion recognition.

Machine learning for human emotion recognition: a comprehensive review

This study presents a comprehensive review and an evaluation of the state-of-the-art methods for AHER employing machine learning from a computer science perspective and directions for future research work.

Face Emotion Recognition Based on Machine Learning: A Review

Various feature extraction techniques are explored, encompassing the development of machine learning classifiers like k-nearest neighbour, naive Bayesian, support vector machine, and random forest, in accordance with the established standard for emotion recognition.

Deep Learning Emotion Recognition Method

This article mainly analyzes the technology of emotion analysis and introduces the basic concepts and research status of emotion recognition, and describes various methods used in the process in detail.

Respiration Based Non-Invasive Approach for Emotion Recognition Using Impulse Radio Ultra Wide Band Radar and Machine Learning

This study presents a non-invasive approach where machine learning complements the impulse radio ultra-wideband (IR-UWB) signals for emotion recognition and reveals that males experience high arousal for happiness while females experience intense fear emotions.

Emotion Recognition Using Time-frequency Analysis of EEG Signals and Machine Learning*

The comprehensive comparative results show the effectiveness of the combination of EEG feature dimensionality reduction algorithm and random forest (RF) for multi-class emotion recognition problem under study.

Emotion Recognition based on EEG using LSTM Recurrent Neural Network

A deep learning method is proposed to recognize emotion from raw EEG signals using Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM) and the dense layer classifies these features into low/high arousal, valence, and liking.

Emotion recognition system using brain and peripheral signals: Using correlation dimension to improve the results of EEG

Electroencephalogram and EEG signals seem to perform better than other physiological signals, and the results confirm the interest of using brain signals as peripherals in emotion assessment.

Emotion recognition based on physiological changes in music listening

A novel scheme of emotion-specific multilevel dichotomous classification (EMDC) is developed and compared with direct multiclass classification using the pLDA, with improved recognition accuracy of 95 percent and 70 percent for subject-dependent and subject-independent classification, respectively.

Emotion Recognition From EEG Using Higher Order Crossings

A novel emotion evocation and EEG-based feature extraction technique is presented, in which the mirror neuron system concept was adapted to efficiently foster emotion induction by the process of imitation, justifying the efficiency of the proposed approach.