Graph Partitioning for the Finite Element Method: Reducing Communication Volume with the Directed Sorted Heavy Edge Matching
@inproceedings{Garca2019GraphPF, title={Graph Partitioning for the Finite Element Method: Reducing Communication Volume with the Directed Sorted Heavy Edge Matching}, author={G. Garc{\'i}a and J. M. Luis}, year={2019}, url={} }
An overview of current graph partitioning techniques used on large-scale parallel machines for load balancing of finite element computations is given and a new vertex matching model called Directed Sorted Heavy Edge Matching is introduced to reduce the communication volume during FEM simulations and ensure efficient execution on a distributed system.
Graph Partitioning (opens in a new tab)Mesh (opens in a new tab)Communication Volume (opens in a new tab)Partial Differential Equations (opens in a new tab)Load Balancing (opens in a new tab)Mesh Partitioning Problem (opens in a new tab)Parallelization (opens in a new tab)NP-complete (opens in a new tab)Large Clusters (opens in a new tab)Distributed System (opens in a new tab)
181 References
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Computer Science, Engineering
A new vertex matching model called Directed Sorted Heavy Edge Matching is introduced intended to reduce the communication volume during FEM simulations and ensure efficient execution on distributed systems.
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Computer Science, Engineering
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Computer Science, Engineering
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Engineering, Computer Science
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- 1995
Computer Science, Mathematics
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- 1995
Computer Science, Engineering
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