Linear Resolution with Selection Function

  title={Linear Resolution with Selection Function},
  author={Robert A. Kowalski and Donald Kuehner},
  journal={Artif. Intell.},

Figures from this paper

On Linear Resolution

This paper discusses the relationship between linear resolution, s-linear resolution and other fragments of resolution, including tree-like resolution, regular resolution and general resolution, and shows that regular resolution does not simulate linear resolution.

Deletion-Directed Search in Resolution-Based Proof Procedures

The operation of a deletion-directed search strategy for resolution-based proof procedures and E-representation, a new clause deletion rule which is fundamental to the operation of the search strategy, are discussed.

A Hole in Goal Trees: Some Guidance from Resolution Theory

The representation power of goal-subgoal trees and the adequacy of this form of problem reduction is considered and two versions of a syntactic procedure incorporating extensions are given.

A Resolution-Based Proof Procedure Using Deletion-Directed Search

The operation of a deletion-directed search strategy for resolution-based proof procedures is discussed. The strategy attempts to determine the satisfiability of a set of input clauses while at the

Stratiied Resolution

A calculus of stratiied resolution is introduced, in which special attention is paid to clauses that \deene" relations, and a novel combination of Bachmair and Ganzinger's model construction technique and a hierarchical construction of orderings and least xpoints is used.

A Hole in Goal Trees : Some Guidance from Resolution Theory

The representation power of goal-subgoal trees and the adequacy of this form of prohlem reduction is considtreel, and two versions of a syntactic procedure incorporating extensions are given.

A Note on Resolution: How to Get Rid of Factoring without Loosing Completeness

It is shown that it is sufficient to factorize only one of the two parent clauses of a resolvent, and described for each rule which clause has at most to be factored.

A Linear Format for Resolution

The Resolution procedure of J. A. Robinson is shown to remain a complete proof procedure when the refutations permitted are restricted so that clauses C and D and resolvent R of clauses C and D meet

Two Results on Ordering for Resolution with Merging and Linear Format

    R. Reiter
    Mathematics, Computer Science
  • 1971
A new kind of ordering, called C-ordering, is introduced and shown to be compatible with merge, linear format, and set of support resolution, that the literal to be resolved upon in the near parent is uniquely specified.

Refinement Theorems in Resolution Theory

It is proved that two of the refinements of the Resolution Principle preserve the logical complete­ness of the proof procedure when used separately, but not when used in conjunction.

A Simplified Format for the Model Elimination Theorem-Proving Procedure

By exploiting fully the ability to linearize the procedure format (isolating the format from a tree structure form) and by representing lemmas by clauses, the description of the Model Elimination procedure is greatly simplified.

A Linear Format for Resolution With Merging and a New Technique for Establishing Completeness

The main new result obtained is that a linear format for resolution with merging and set of support and with several further restrictions is a complete deductive system for the first-order predicate calculus.

A Unifying View of Some Linear Herbrand Procedures

A demonstration that versions of the linked conjunct, resolution, matrix reduction, and model elimination proof procedures can be highly related in their design.

Compatibility and Complexity of Refinements of the Resolution Principle

Examples are given which demonstrate the savings in time and storage when refinements are used to prove some theorems of moderate difficulty in group theory and ternary boolean algebra.

Some linear herbrand proof procedures : an analysis

Several Herbrand proof procedures proposed during the 1960 decade are shown to be related in varying degrees. Most of the paper deals with a relationship between s-linear resolution and model

Efficiency and Completeness of the Set of Support Strategy in Theorem Proving

Evidence of the efficiency of the set of support strategy is presented, and a theorem giving sufficient conditions for its logical completeness is proved.

Resolution With Merging

It is shown that the resolution method remains complete if it is required that two noninitial clauses which are not merges never be resolved with one another.