Multimodal Deep Models for Predicting Affective Responses Evoked by Movies

  title={Multimodal Deep Models for Predicting Affective Responses Evoked by Movies},
  author={Ha Thi Phuong Thao and Dorien Herremans and Gemma Roig},
  journal={2019 IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision Workshop (ICCVW)},
The goal of this study is to develop and analyze multimodal models for predicting experienced affective responses of viewers watching movie clips. We develop hybrid multimodal prediction models based on both the video and audio of the clips. For the video content, we hypothesize that both image content and motion are crucial features for evoked emotion prediction. To capture such information, we extract features from RGB frames and optical flow using pre-trained neural networks. For the audio… 

Figures and Tables from this paper

A Deep Multimodal Model for Predicting Affective Responses Evoked by Movies Based on Shot Segmentation

The proposed shot-based audio-visual feature representation method and a long short-term memory model incorporating a temporal attention mechanism for experienced emotion prediction performs significantly better than the state-of-the-art while significantly reducing the number of calculations.

Enhancing the Prediction of Emotional Experience in Movies using Deep Neural Networks: The Significance of Audio and Language

Surprisingly, the findings reveal that language significantly influences the experienced arousal, while sound emerges as the primary determinant for predicting valence, in contrast, the visual modality exhibits the least impact among all modalities in predicting emotions.

AttendAffectNet–Emotion Prediction of Movie Viewers Using Multimodal Fusion with Self-Attention

The proposed AttendAffectNet (AAN) is extensively trained and validated on both the MediaEval 2016 dataset for the Emotional Impact of Movies Task and the extended COGNIMUSE dataset, demonstrating that audio features play a more influential role than those extracted from video and movie subtitles when predicting the emotions of movie viewers on these datasets.

Recognizing Emotions evoked by Movies using Multitask Learning

This paper proposes two deep learning architectures: a Single-Task (ST) architecture and a Multi- Task (MT) architecture, and shows that the MT approach can more accurately model each viewer and the aggregated annotation when compared to methods that are directly trained on the aggregate annotations.

Predicting emotion from music videos: exploring the relative contribution of visual and auditory information to affective responses

A novel transfer learning architecture to train Predictive models Augmented with Isolated modality Ratings (PAIR) is proposed and the potential of isolated modality ratings for enhancing multimodal emotion recognition is demonstrated.

Improving Induced Valence Recognition by Integrating Acoustic Sound Semantics in Movies

This work explores the use of cross-modal attention mechanism in modeling how the verbal and non-verbal human sound semantics affect induced valence jointly with conventional audio-visual content-based modeling.

AttendAffectNet: Self-Attention based Networks for Predicting Affective Responses from Movies

The results show that applying the self-attention mechanism on the different audio-visual features, rather than in the time domain, is more effective for emotion prediction, and is also proven to outperform many state-of-the-art models for emotion Prediction.

Comparison and Analysis of Deep Audio Embeddings for Music Emotion Recognition

The experiments show that the deep audio embedding solutions can improve the performances of the previous baseline MER models and conclude that deepaudio embeddings represent musical emotion semantics for the MER task without expert human engineering.

Emotion Manipulation Through Music - A Deep Learning Interactive Visual Approach

An interactive pipeline capable of shifting an input song into a diametrically opposed emotion is created and visualize this result through Russel's Circumplex model, a proof-of-concept for Semantic Manipulation of Music, a novel field aimed at modifying the emotional content of existing music.

Regression-based Music Emotion Prediction using Triplet Neural Networks

The authors' TNN method outperforms other dimensionality reduction methods such as principal component analysis (PCA) and autoencoders (AE) and shows that, in addition to providing a compact latent space representation of audio features, the proposed approach achieves higher performance than the baseline models.

A multimodal mixture-of-experts model for dynamic emotion prediction in movies

This paper proposes a Mixture of Experts (MoE)-based fusion model that dynamically combines information from the audio and video modalities for predicting the emotion evoked in movies.

Multimodal Continuous Prediction of Emotions in Movies using Long Short-Term Memory Networks

This paper uses Long Short-Term Memory networks (LSTMs) to model the temporal context in audio-video features of movies and presents continuous emotion prediction results using a multimodal fusion scheme on an annotated dataset of Academy Award winning movies.

EmoNets: Multimodal deep learning approaches for emotion recognition in video

This paper explores multiple methods for the combination of cues from these modalities into one common classifier, which achieves a considerably greater accuracy than predictions from the strongest single-modality classifier.

Modeling multimodal cues in a deep learning-based framework for emotion recognition in the wild

A fusion network that merges cues from the different modalities in one representation is proposed that outperforms the challenge baselines and achieves an accuracy of 50.39 % and 49.92 % respectively on the validation and the testing data.

A supervised approach to movie emotion tracking

A database of movie affect, annotated in continuous time, on a continuous valence-arousal scale is developed and supervised learning methods are proposed to model the continuous affective response using hidden Markov Models (independent) in each dimension.

Multimodal Emotion Recognition for One-Minute-Gradual Emotion Challenge

The solution achieves Concordant Correlation Coefficient (CCC) scores of 0.397 and 0.520 on arousal and valence respectively for the validation dataset, which outperforms the baseline systems with the best CCC scores by a large margin.

Video-based emotion recognition using CNN-RNN and C3D hybrid networks

Extensive experiments show that combining RNN and C3D together can improve video-based emotion recognition noticeably, and are presented to the EmotiW 2016 Challenge.

IMMA-Emo: A Multimodal Interface for Visualising Score- and Audio-synchronised Emotion Annotations

The IMMA-Emo system is presented, an integrated software system for visualising emotion data aligned with music audio and score so as to provide an intuitive way to interactively visualise and analyse music emotion data.

Multimodal Saliency and Fusion for Movie Summarization Based on Aural, Visual, and Textual Attention

Detecting of attention-invoking audiovisual segments is formulated in this work on the basis of saliency models for the audio, visual, and textual information conveyed in a video stream, forming the basis for a generic, bottom-up video summarization algorithm.