• Corpus ID: 246430513

Near-Optimal Regret for Adversarial MDP with Delayed Bandit Feedback

  title={Near-Optimal Regret for Adversarial MDP with Delayed Bandit Feedback},
  author={Tiancheng Jin and Tal Lancewicki and Haipeng Luo and Y. Mansour and Aviv A. Rosenberg},
This paper presents the first algorithms that achieve near-optimal $\sqrt{K + D}$ regret, where K is the number of episodes and D = \sum_{k=1}^K d^k$ is the total delay, significantly improving upon the best known regret bound.

Tables from this paper

Delay-Adapted Policy Optimization and Improved Regret for Adversarial MDP with Delayed Bandit Feedback

The novel Delay-Adapted PO (DAPO) is easy to implement and to generalize, allowing the first regret bounds for delayed feedback with function approximation forPolicy Optimization in adversarial MDPs to be given.

Follow-the-Perturbed-Leader for Adversarial Markov Decision Processes with Bandit Feedback

This work develops the first no-regret algorithm for learning communicating AMDPs in the infinite-horizon setting with bandit feedback and stochastic transitions, which is efficient assuming access to an offline planning oracle, while even for the easier full-information setting, the only existing algorithm is computationally inefficient.

Improved Regret for Efficient Online Reinforcement Learning with Linear Function Approximation

This work presents a computationally efficient policy optimization algorithm for the challenging general setting of unknown dynamics and bandit feedback, featuring a combination of mirror-descent and least squares policy evaluation in an auxiliary MDP used to compute exploration bonuses.

Reinforcement Learning with Delayed, Composite, and Partially Anonymous Reward

An algorithm is proposed to obtain a near-optimal policy for this setting and it is shown that it achieves a regret bound of $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}\left(DS\sqrt{AT} + d (SA)^3\right)$ where $S$ and $A$ are the sizes of the state and action spaces, respectively.

Scale-Free Adversarial Multi-Armed Bandit with Arbitrary Feedback Delays

A novel approach named Scale-Free Delayed INF (SFD-INF) is proposed, which combines a recent"convex combination trick"together with a novel doubling and skipping technique, and both instances outperform the existing algorithms for non-delayed (i.e., $D=0$) scale-free adversarial MAB problems, which can be of independent interest.

Near-Optimal Regret in Linear MDPs with Aggregate Bandit Feedback

This paper extends ABF to linear function approximation and develops two efficient algorithms with near-optimal regret guarantees: a value-based optimistic algorithm built on a new randomization technique with a Q-functions ensemble, and a policy optimization algorithm that uses a novel hedging scheme over the ensemble.

Scale-free Adversarial Reinforcement Learning

Through this framework, the first minimax optimal expected regret bound and the first high-probability regret bound in scale-free adversarial MABs are achieved, resolving an open problem raised inhadiji2023adaptation.

Slowly Changing Adversarial Bandit Algorithms are Efficient for Discounted MDPs

It is shown that, under ergodicity and fast mixing assumptions, any slowly changing adversarial bandit algorithm achieving optimal regret in the adversarial bandit setting can also attain optimal expected regret in infinite-horizon discounted Markov decision processes.

Provably Efficient Reinforcement Learning for Adversarial Restless Multi-Armed Bandits with Unknown Transitions and Bandit Feedback

This paper develops a novel reinforcement learning algorithm with two key contributors: a novel biased adversarial reward estimator to deal with bandit feedback and unknown transitions, and a low-complexity index policy to satisfy the instantaneous activation constraint.

Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning with Reward Delays

This paper proposes MARL algorithms that efficiently deal with reward delays that achieves convergence rate similar to the finite delay case and is extended to cases with infinite delays through a reward skipping scheme.

Learning Adversarial Markov Decision Processes with Delayed Feedback

This paper studies online learning in episodic Markov decision processes (MDPs) with unknown transitions, adversarially changing costs and unrestricted delayed feedback, and is the first to consider regret minimization in the important setting of MDPs with delayed feedback.

Simultaneously Learning Stochastic and Adversarial Episodic MDPs with Known Transition

This work develops the first algorithm with a ``best-of-both-worlds'' guarantee: it achieves $\mathcal{O}(log T)$ regret when the losses are stochastic, and simultaneously enjoys worst-case robustness with $\tilde{O}}(\sqrt{T})$ regret even when the loses are adversarial, where $T$ is the number of episodes.

Online Stochastic Shortest Path with Bandit Feedback and Unknown Transition Function

This work develops no-regret algorithms that perform asymptotically as well as the best stationary policy in hindsight in episodic loop-free Markov decision processes (MDPs), where the loss function can change arbitrarily between episodes.

Near-optimal Policy Optimization Algorithms for Learning Adversarial Linear Mixture MDPs

This paper proposes an optimistic policy optimization algorithm POWERS and shows that it can achieve regret, and proves a matching lower bound of (cid:101) Ω( dH √ T ) up to logarithmic factors.

Adapting to Delays and Data in Adversarial Multi-Armed Bandits

This work considers the adversarial multi-armed bandit problem under delayed feedback, and shows that with proper tuning of the step size, the algorithm achieves an optimal regret of order $\sqrt{\log(K)(TK + D)}$ both in expectation and in high probability.

No Discounted-Regret Learning in Adversarial Bandits with Delays

The CCE of a convex unknown game can be approximated even when only delayed bandit feedback is available via simulation, and it is shown that EXP3 and FKM have no discounted-regret even for d t = O ( t log t ).

Learning Adversarial Markov Decision Processes with Bandit Feedback and Unknown Transition

This work proposes an efficient algorithm that achieves $\mathcal{\tilde{O}}(L|X|^2\sqrt{|A|T})$ regret with high probability and introduces an optimistic loss estimator that is inversely weighted by an $\textit{upper occupancy bound}$.

Online Convex Optimization in Adversarial Markov Decision Processes

We consider online learning in episodic loop-free Markov decision processes (MDPs), where the loss function can change arbitrarily between episodes, and the transition function is not known to the

Optimistic Policy Optimization with Bandit Feedback

This paper considers model-based RL in the tabular finite-horizon MDP setting with unknown transitions and bandit feedback, and proposes an optimistic trust region policy optimization (TRPO) algorithm, which establishes regret for stochastic rewards and proves regret for adversarial rewards.

Online EXP3 Learning in Adversarial Bandits with Delayed Feedback

A two player zero-sum game where players experience asynchronous delays is considered and it is shown that even when the delays are large enough such that players no longer enjoy the “no-regret property”, the ergodic average of the strategy profile still converges to the set of Nash equilibria of the game.