Nonlinear dimension reduction of fMRI data: the Laplacian embedding approach

  title={Nonlinear dimension reduction of fMRI data: the Laplacian embedding approach},
  author={Olivier D. Faugeras and Bertrand Thirion},
  journal={2004 2nd IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: Nano to Macro (IEEE Cat No. 04EX821)},
  pages={372-375 Vol. 1},
Using a Laplacian embedding approach, the use of nonlinear dimension reduction for the analysis of functional neuroimaging datasets is introduced, showing the power of this method to detect significant structures within the noisy and complex dynamics of fMRI datasets.

Figures from this paper

Exploration of high dimensional biomedical datasets with low-distortion embeddings ∗

The contribution of this work is a novel method to chart functional maps, that are build globally based on the geometry of the fMRI time series, that relies on nonlinear mapping that embed the dataset into a low dimensional space, and minimizes the local distortion.

Dimensionality reduction of fMRI time series data using locally linear embedding

The non-linear locally linear embedding (LLE) algorithm is introduced for dimensionality reduction of fMRI time series data and consistently found task-related components as well as known resting-state networks and the algorithm compared well to PCA.

Decoding Multiple Subject fMRI Data using Manifold based Representation of Cognitive State Neural Signatures

In this paper, the process of creating a geometrical representation of the activations using non-linear manifolds is described and it is shown that this kind of representation is able to give high accuracy in classification studies as compared to using activation profiles.

Dealing with the shortcomings of spatial normalization: Multi‐subject parcellation of fMRI datasets

A novel technique for intra‐subject parcellation based on spectral clustering that delineates homogeneous and connected regions and a hierarchical method to derive group parcels that are spatially coherent across subjects and functionally homogeneous are introduced.

Exploring the Human Connectome Topology in Group Studies

A survey of visualization tasks that enable clinical neuroscience activities, and a novel visualization tool, NeuroCave, is introduced to support group studies analyses, to illustrate the utility of interactive connectome visualization in clinical neuroscience contexts.

Graph-Based Variability Estimation in Single-Trial Event-Related Neural Responses

This paper proposes to decode the variability of neural responses by making use of graph representations, and proposes a manifold learning algorithm, based on a graph Laplacian, that offers an efficient way of ordering trials with respect to the response variability.

Connectivity-Driven Parcellation Methods for the Human Cerebral Cortex

Robust and fully-automated methods for the subdivision of the entire human cerebral cortex based on connectivity information are presented and the advantage of connectivity-driven parcellations over traditional approaches in terms of better fitting the underlying connectivity is shown.

fMRI data analysis : statistics, information and dynamics. (Analyse de données d' IRM fonctionnelle : statistiques, information et dynamique)

A novel point of view based on dimension reduction of the dataset is introduced, which allows for a more structured representation and helps for visualization of the dynamical processes embedded in the data produced by functional MRI.

Multivariate Model Specification for fMRI Data

A general method to help specify (or define) the model used to analyze brain imaging data, based on the use of the multivariate linear model on a training data set, which increases the statistical sensitivity of fMRI analyses.

Nonlinear dimensionality reduction by locally linear embedding.

Locally linear embedding (LLE) is introduced, an unsupervised learning algorithm that computes low-dimensional, neighborhood-preserving embeddings of high-dimensional inputs that learns the global structure of nonlinear manifolds.

Laplacian Eigenmaps for Dimensionality Reduction and Data Representation

This work proposes a geometrically motivated algorithm for representing the high-dimensional data that provides a computationally efficient approach to nonlinear dimensionality reduction that has locality-preserving properties and a natural connection to clustering.

A global geometric framework for nonlinear dimensionality reduction.

An approach to solving dimensionality reduction problems that uses easily measured local metric information to learn the underlying global geometry of a data set and efficiently computes a globally optimal solution, and is guaranteed to converge asymptotically to the true structure.