P systems with input in binary form

  title={P systems with input in binary form},
  author={Alberto Leporati and Claudio Zandron and Miguel Angel Guti{\'e}rrez-Naranjo},
  journal={Int. J. Found. Comput. Sci.},
This paper shows that, when working with P systems, it can be assumed without loss of generality that instances are expressed in binary notation, and proposes a simple method to encode binary numbers using multisets, and a family of P systems which transforms such multiset into the usual unary notation.

Solving Numerical NP-Complete Problems with Spiking Neural P Systems

By using maximal parallelism, any given integer number can be converted from the usual binary notation to the unary form, and thus any given spiking neural P system can be initialized with the required (exponential) number of spikes in polynomial time.

Arithmetic Operations and Factorization using Asynchronous P Systems

In the present paper, we consider the asynchronous parallelism in membrane computing, and propose asynchronous P systems that perform two basic arithmetic operations and factorization. Since there is

Asynchronous P Systems for Arithmetic Operations and Factorization

The present paper considers the asynchronous parallelism in membrane computing, and proposes asynchronous P systems that perform two basic arithmetic operations and factorization that computes addition of two binary numbers of m bits.

On maximal parallel application of rules in rewriting P systems

This work highlights some relations among different classes of maximally parallel rewriting P systems by means of direct simulations, by showing how theoretical results concerning one such type of systems can immediately be adapted to the corresponding simulating systems.

An asynchronous P system for solving the maximum clique problem with the Bron-Kerbosch algorithm

This paper proposes an asynchronous P system based on the Bron-Kerbosch algorithm for solving the maximum clique problem with fewer membranes and evaluates the number of membranes used in the proposed P system and compares it with the numbers of membranes in known P systems.

Logic and Arithmetic Operations with a Constant Number of Steps in Membrane Computing

The present paper proposes P systems that work in a constant number of steps for computing multiple input logic functions, and introduces a P system that computes the addition of two binary numbers of m bits.

Solving SUBSET SUM by Spiking Neural P Systems with Pre-computed Resources

This paper proposes a semi-uniform family of spiking neural P systems in which every system solves a specific instance of SUBSET SUM, and exploits a technique used to calculate ITERATED ADDITION with Boolean circuits to obtain a uniform family.

Solving Numerical NP-complete Problems by Spiking Neural P Systems With Pre-computed Resources

This paper proposes a semi–uniform family of spiking neural P systems in which every system solves a specified instance of Subset Sum of a fixed size, and exploits a technique used to calculate Iterated Addition with boolean circuits.

Computation with a constant number of steps in membrane computing.

This paper proposes P systems that work in a constant number of steps for computing multiple input logic functions, and introduces a P system that computes the addition of two vectors of size n using the above P system as a sub-system.

Asynchronous P systems for hard graph problems

In the present paper, we consider fully asynchronous parallelism in membrane computing and propose asynchronous P systems for the following four graph problems: minimum coloring, maximum independent

Solving NP-Complete Problems Using P Systems with Active Membranes

It is shown that P-systems with only division for elementary membranes suffice to solve these two problems in linear time and that (if P ≠ NP) deterministic P- systems without membrane division are not able to solve NP complete problems in polynomial time.

Series P Systems with Active Membranes : Attacking NP Complete Problems

It is proved that a class of P systems whose membranes are the main active components, in the sense that they directly mediate the evolution and the communication of objects, is not only computationally universal, but also able to solve NP complete problems in polynomial time.

A Polynomial Complexity Class in P Systems Using Membrane Division

The complexity class PMCF of all decision problems solvable in polynomial time by a family of P systems belonging to a given class of membrane systems with input, F, is introduced and it is shown that the class NP is contained in the above mentioned complexity class.

Universal Families of Reversible P Systems

This paper introduces energy–based P systems as a parallel and distributed model of computation in which the amount of energy manipulated and/or consumed during computations is taken into account and shows how energy– based P systems can be used to simulate reversible Fredkin circuits.

Simulating Boolean Circuits with P Systems

A model for simulating Boolean circuits with P systems, with type of P systems used is with symbol objects, context-free rewriting rules and some other features like mobile catalysts, weak priorities and promoters.

Solution of a Satisfiability Problem on a Gel-Based DNA Computer

The methods used appear to be readily automatable and should be suitable for problems of a significantly larger size.

A fast P system for finding a balanced 2-partition

This paper presents an effective solution to the 2-Partition problem via a family of deterministic P systems with active membranes using 2-division, a sequel of several previous works on other problems, mainly on the Subset-Sum and the Knapsack problems.

Unconventional Models of Computation

This book covers all major areas of unconventional computation, especially quantum computing, computing using organic molecules (DNA), and various proposals for computations that go beyond the Turing model.