• Corpus ID: 221082469


  author={Eung-Joo Lee and Suk-Hwan Lee and Taekookkim and Ki-Ryong},
A robust 3D mesh–model hashing based on a heat kernel signature (HKS) that can describe a multi-scale shape curve and is robust against isometric modifications is developed.

Figures from this paper

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Experimental results confirm that the proposed hashing method shows robustness against geometrical and topological attacks and provides a unique hash for each model and key.

Robust 3D mesh model hashing based on feature object

Robust and secure image hashing

A novel algorithm for generating an image hash based on Fourier transform features and controlled randomization is developed and it is shown that the proposed hash function is resilient to content-preserving modifications, such as moderate geometric and filtering distortions.

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This paper gives a comprehensive survey on 3-D mesh watermarking, which is considered an effective solution to the above two emerging problems.

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Eurographics Symposium on Geometry Processing 2009 a Concise and Provably Informative Multi-scale Signature Based on Heat Diffusion

It is shown that under certain mild assumptions, HKS captures all of the information contained in the heat kernel, and characterizes the shape up to isometry, and provides a natural and efficiently computable multi-scale way to capture information about neighborhoods of a given point.

Content-Based 3D Object Retrieval

Methods for automatically extracting descriptors from 3D objects are key to searching and indexing techniques in their growing repositories. The authors present two recently proposed approaches and


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