Privacy Calculus on Social Networking Sites: Explorative Evidence from Germany and USA
@article{Krasnova2010PrivacyCO, title={Privacy Calculus on Social Networking Sites: Explorative Evidence from Germany and USA}, author={Hanna Krasnova and Natasha F. Veltri}, journal={2010 43rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences}, year={2010}, pages={1-10}, url={} }
This study explores the differences in perceptions of disclosure-relevant determinants between German and US users to provide relevant insights for the social network providers who can adjust their expansion strategy with regard to cultural differences.
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196 Citations
Self-Disclosure on Professional Social Networking Sites: A Privacy Calculus Perspective
- 2023
Computer Science, Psychology
SNS users can become more aware of the benefits and risks of their disclosure behavior, allowing them to make more informed decisions, and these findings can be helpful for SNS providers to improve product experience and strategy by effectively encouraging and facilitating self-disclosure practices.
Privacy in Online Social Networking: Applying a Privacy Calculus Model
- 2013
Computer Science
The extended privacy calculus model, developed by Dinev and Hart (2006a), is applied, which addresses the trade-off between the expected costs of privacy risk beliefs and the benefits of confidence and placement beliefs on the willingness to provide personal information.
Online Disclosure and Privacy Concerns: a Study of Moroccan and American Facebook Users
- 2011
Computer Science, Sociology
Survey results show that Moroccans users disclose less on Facebook than US users, yet perceive moredamage should their privacy on Facebook be violated, andicate that SNS providers cannot rely on the same methods to encourage user participation and disclosure in differentcountries.
Investigating the Value of Privacy in Online Social Networks: Conjoint Analysis
- 2009
Computer Science, Sociology
This study empirically investigates the ways out of this deadlock in privacy and identifies three groups of users with different utility patterns: Unconcerned Socializers, Control-conscious Socializers and Privacy-concerned.
Online social networks in a post-Soviet state: how Hungarians protect and share on Facebook
- 2012
Political Science, Sociology
A stark generation gap in Facebook privacy attitudes is uncovered, with the youngest generation expressing little concern about personal information or intimate photos, whereas users older than 30 explain that they and their peers rarely share information on Facebook.
Factors Influence Self-Disclosure Amount in Social Networking Sites ( SNSs )
- 2013
Computer Science
This paper proposes a model of self-disclosure with six hypotheses, and divides the model into two main categories: hypotheses that have positively related to self- Disclosure amount such as perceived enjoyment and ease of use, and hypotheses which have negatively related toSelf-dis Disclosure which mainly fall under privacy concerns such as perception of damage and likelihood.
Users’ Information Disclosure Determinants in Social Networking Sites: A Systematic Literature Review
- 2021
Computer Science
A lack of clarity around privacy attitudes and their link to behaviours makes it challenging to design privacy-protecting SNS platforms and to craft legislation to ensure that users’ privacy is preserved.
Exploring the Impact of Restrictive Default Privacy Settings on the Privacy Calculus on Social Network sites
- 2014
Computer Science
The results of this exploratory study using Facebook show that making users aware of restrictive default privacy settings significantly changes the perceived benefit of relationship maintenance and the perceived privacy costs of privacy concerns and the likelihood of a privacy violation.
Social Networking Information Disclosure and Continuance Intention: A Disconnect
- 2011
Business, Computer Science
It is found that while enjoyment and perceived usefulness predict Facebook usage continuance intention, information sensitivity and privacy concern do not, and users display a clear disconnect between their reasons to disclose on Facebook and their Reasons to continue to use Facebook.
One size fits all? managing trust and privacy on social networking sites in Russia and Germany
- 2011
Business, Computer Science
This study builds on the existing model to examine the impact of culture on the robustness of four justice-based means in mitigating privacy concerns and ensuring trust and finds that perceptions regarding Procedural and Informational Justice are universally important and should be addressed as part of the basic strategy by the SNS provider.
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Computer Science, Psychology
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Sociology, Computer Science
It is shown that in an online site, the existence of trust and the willingness to share information do not automatically translate into new social interaction, and online relationships can develop in sites where perceived trust and privacy safeguards are weak.
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Political Science, Sociology
Using a sample of Internet users from 38 countries matched against the Internet population of the United States, support is found for support for (1) and (2), suggesting the need for localized privacy policies.
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Sociology, Computer Science
Using Structural Equation Modeling, it is identified that the satisfaction of the needs for belongingness and the esteem needs through self-presentation together with peer pressure are the main drivers of participation.
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Although Internet privacy concerns inhibit e-commerce transactions, the cumulative influence of Internet trust and personal Internet interest are important factors that can outweigh privacy risk perceptions in the decision to disclose personal information when an individual uses the Internet.
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Computer Science
The results of this study indicate that the second-order IUIPC factor, which consists of three first-order dimensions--namely, collection, control, and awareness--exhibited desirable psychometric properties in the context of online privacy.
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Economics, Computer Science
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Law, Business
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Social network sites like MySpace and Facebook serve as "networked publics." As with unmediated publics like parks and malls, youth use networked publics to gather, socialize with their peers, and…
User Attitude Towards Instant Messaging: The Effect of Espoused National Cultural Values on Awareness and Privacy
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Sociology, Computer Science
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