Privacy-aware digital forensics
@inproceedings{Nieto2019PrivacyawareDF, title={Privacy-aware digital forensics}, author={Ana Nieto and Ruben Rios and Javier L{\'o}pez and Wei Ren and Lizhe Wang and Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo and Fatos Xhafa}, booktitle={Security and Privacy for Big Data, Cloud Computing and Applications}, year={2019}, url={} }
This chapter aims to shed some light on the need for strong privacy guarantees in the context of digital forensics given the fundamental role that the user and his/her personal data play in current and future digital investigations.
9 Citations
Cryptographic Techniques for Data Privacy in Digital Forensics
- 2023
Computer Science
A conceptual privacy-preserving digital forensics (PPDF) model is proposed that is based on the use of cryptographic techniques and shows that it aligns with many of the existing privacy principles recommended for privacy protection in digital forensics.
Digital Forensic Framework for Protecting Data Privacy during Investigation
- 2023
Computer Science, Law
This system proposes an efficient digital forensic investigation process which enhances validation, resulting in more transparency in the inquiry process and uses machine learning techniques to find the most pertinent sources of evidence while protecting the privacy of non-evidential private files.
Privacy preserving mobile forensic framework using role‐based access control and cryptography
- 2022
Computer Science
A framework called “role‐based mobile forensics framework with cryptography (RBMF2C)” that can be easily implemented and protects users' privacy and does not interfere with the forensic process is presented.
Privacy Aware Memory Forensics
- 2024
Computer Science
This research presents a novel solution to detect data leakages by insiders in an organization that captures the RAM of the insiders device and analyses it for sensitive information leaks from a host system while maintaining the users privacy.
Factors Influencing the Success of Database Forensic Investigation in Organisations
- 2023
Computer Science, Business
It is highlighted that data collected across database sources for investigative purposes leads to data landscapes that introduce challenges in business adoption, data duplication, and integrity, and organizations must establish automated mechanisms as indisputable sources of truth, promoting commonality in DBFI practices.
D-Cloud-Collector: Admissible Forensic Evidence from Mobile Cloud Storage
- 2022
Computer Science, Law
This paper proposes a solution to ease concerns with evidence preservation by employing hardware security modules to provide for controlled live cloud forensics and tamper-evident access logs, and demonstrates that D-Cloud-Collector is feasible whenever the performance penalty incurred is a ↵ ordable.
A Privacy Preserving Context Sensitive Kernel
- 2024
Computer Science
A novel architecture designed to prevent data leaks by intercepting memory dump calls and generating privacy-preserved context-sensitive dumps is presented, convincingly resembling legitimate memory dumps generated by the original tools.
Proceedings of the International Workshop on Applications of AI to Forensics 2020 (AI2Forensics 2020) in association with the 17th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR-2020)
- 2020
Computer Science, Law
This invited talk overviews 20 years of work at the intersection between the two AI areas of Knowledge Representation (KR) and Machine Learning (ML). The distinguishing feature of this research is…
69 References
Privacy-respecting digital investigation
- 2014
Computer Science, Law
Establishment needed foundations are established and detailed definition of "privacy-respecting digital investigation" as a new cross-disciplinary field of research is provided, and detailed discussion of potential privacy issues in different phases of digital forensics life cycle based on EU, US, and APEC privacy regulations are discussed.
Protecting Digital Data Privacy in Computer Forensic Examination
- 2011
Computer Science, Law
A cryptographic model designed to be incorporated into the current digital investigation framework is presented and presented, thereby adding a possible way to protect data privacy in digital investigation.
IoT-Forensics Meets Privacy: Towards Cooperative Digital Investigations
- 2018
Computer Science, Law
This paper provides the digital witness approach with a methodology that enables citizens to share their data with some privacy guarantees and applies the PRoFIT methodology, originally defined for IoT-Forensics environments, to the digital Witness approach in order to unleash its full potential.
- 2014
Computer Science, Law
Development trends in computer forensics and security in various aspects are looked into to determine the trend of solutions in these aspects and evaluate their effectiveness in resolving the aforementioned issues.
Privacy preserving efficient digital forensic investigation framework
- 2013
Computer Science, Law
The main contribution of the PPEDFI framework is to make the digital investigation process automated and shorten the turnaround time in evidence extraction process, thus saving the cost and time ofdigital investigation process.
Privacy Levels for Computer Forensics: Toward a More Efficient Privacy-preserving Investigation
- 2015
Computer Science
Sequenced release of privacy-accurate information in a forensic investigation
- 2010
Computer Science, Law
Protecting Third Party Privacy in Digital Forensic Investigations
- 2013
Law, Computer Science
The analysis of the data on the seized equipment provides the investigator with the opportunity to access personally identifiable information of persons or entities who may not be linked to the crime; this is especially true in multi-user environments.