Privacy preserving Back-propagation neural network learning over arbitrarily partitioned data
@article{Bansal2011PrivacyPB, title={Privacy preserving Back-propagation neural network learning over arbitrarily partitioned data}, author={Ankur Bansal and Tingting Chen and Sheng Zhong}, journal={Neural Computing and Applications}, year={2011}, volume={20}, pages={143-150}, url={} }
This paper presents a privacy preserving algorithm for the neural network learning when the dataset is arbitrarily partitioned between the two parties and shows that the algorithm is very secure and leaks no knowledge about other party’s data.
101 Citations
Privacy preserving growing neural gas over arbitrarily partitioned data
- 2014
Computer Science
- 2014
Computer Science
A privacy preserving multiparty distributed algorithm of back propagation which allows a neural network to be trained without requiring either party to reveal her data to the others.
Privacy Preserving Back-Propagation Learning Made Practical with Cloud Computing
- 2012
Computer Science
This paper presents a new approach to back-propagation for collaborative learning where two or more parties, each with an arbitrarily partitioned data set, collaboratively conduct learning.
Privacy-preserving back-propagation and extreme learning machine algorithms
- 2012
Computer Science
Review Techniques of Data Privacy in Cloud Using Back Propagation Neural Network
- 2014
Computer Science, Engineering
This work proposes a system multiple parties perform collaborative learning on arbitrarily partitioned data using cloud computing, in which for privacy preservation each party send plain text to the cloud and cloud encrypt that text, minimizing the computation and communication cost.
Preservation of Privacy using Back-Propagation Neural Networks in Cloud
- 2015
Computer Science
This paper solves the open problem of collaborative learning by utilizing the power of cloud computing, and adopts and tailor the BGN "doubly homomorphic" encryption algorithm for the multiparty setting to support flexible operations over ciphertexts.
Privacy Preserving Back-Propagation Neural Network Learning Made Practical with Cloud Computing
- 2014
Computer Science
This paper solves the open problem of collaborative learning by utilizing the power of cloud computing and adopts and tailor the BGN "doubly homomorphic" encryption algorithm for the multiparty setting to support flexible operations over ciphertexts.
Guaranteed distributed machine learning: Privacy-preserving empirical risk minimization.
- 2021
Computer Science
A fundamental line-search capability is added to enable the MS-GP algorithm to decide exactly when a more accurate measurement of the gradient is indispensable, which shows that the algorithm possesses a sustainable competitive advantage over the existing cutting-edge privacy-preserving requirements in the distributed setting.
Privacy Preserving Back Propagation Neural Network Learning using Signature Scheme
- 2014
Computer Science
In this paper, each party encrypts his/her private data locally and uploads the cipher texts into the cloud and the cloud then executes most of the operations pertaining to the learning algorithms over cipher texts without knowing the original private data.
Privacy Preserving Back-Propagation Neural Network with Cloud
- 2017
Computer Science
This paper solves this open drawback by utilizing the ability of cloud computing and tends to adopt and tailor the BGN ‘doubly homomorphic’ coding algorithmic rule for the multi-party setting for the multi-party setting.
32 References
Privacy-Preserving Backpropagation Neural Network Learning
- 2009
Computer Science
This paper presents a privacy-preserving two-party distributed algorithm of backpropagation which allows a neural network to be trained without requiring either party to reveal her data to the other.
A privacy-preserving protocol for neural-network-based computation
- 2006
Computer Science
The problem of secure data processing by means of a neural network (NN) is addressed and an efficient way of implementing the proposed protocol by Means of some recently proposed multi-party computation techniques is described.
Privacy-preserving Bayesian network structure computation on distributed heterogeneous data
- 2004
Computer Science
An efficient and privacy-preserving version of the K2 algorithm is given to construct the structure of a Bayesian network for the parties' joint data on the combination of their databases without revealing anything about their data to each other.
Privacy Preserving Naïve Bayes Classifier for Vertically Partitioned Data
- 2004
Computer Science
This paper presents a privacy preserving Naive Bayes Classifier for horizontally partitioned data and proposes a simple but efficient baseline classifier for this problem.
Privacy Preserving Naive Bayes Classifier for Horizontally Partitioned Data
- 2003
Computer Science
This paper presents a privacy preserving Naive Bayes Classifier for horizontally partitioned data and proposes a simple but efficient baseline classifier for this problem.
Privacy-preservation for gradient descent methods
- 2007
Computer Science
This paper proposes a preliminary approach to enable privacy preservation in gradient descent methods in general and demonstrates its feasibility in specific gradient ascent methods.
Privacy-preserving distributed k-means clustering over arbitrarily partitioned data
- 2005
Computer Science
The concept of arbitrarily partitioned data is introduced, which is a generalization of both horizontally and vertically partitionedData, and an efficient privacy-preserving protocol for k-means clustering in the setting of arbitrarily partitions data is provided.
Privacy-Preserving Classification of Customer Data without Loss of Accuracy
- 2005
Computer Science
This paper proposes a simple cryptographic approach that is e‐cient even in a many-customer setting, provides strong privacy for each customer, and does not lose any accuracy as the cost of privacy.
Privacy Preserving Data Mining
- 2006
Computer Science, Business
This study uses Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) algorithm for feature generalization and suppression where features are removed without affecting classification accuracy and k-anonymity is accomplished by original dataset generalization.
Privacy-Preserving Multivariate Statistical Analysis: Linear Regression and Classification
- 2004
Computer Science
A practical security model is developed based on which a number of building blocks for solving two Secure 2-party multivariate statistical analysis problems are developed: Secure 1-party Multivariate Linear Regression problem and Secure 2/3 party Multivariate Classification problem.