Putting down roots: a graphical exploration of community attachment

  title={Putting down roots: a graphical exploration of community attachment},
  author={Andee Kaplan and Eric R. Hare},
  journal={Computational Statistics},
  pages={1449 - 1464},
The goal of this work is to facilitate understanding of why people feel attachment to their communities through the use of an interactive and web-based visualization and to describe the stories about community attachment that unfolded from the analysis.

Interactive Exploration of Large Dendrograms with Prototypes

A new workflow for performing hierarchical clustering via the R package called protoshiny is presented that leverages interactivity combined with the ability to label internal nodes in a dendrogram with a representative data point (called a prototype).

The 2013 Data Expo of the American Statistical Association

Since 1983, the Sections on Statistical Computing and Statistical Graphics of the American Statistical Association (ASA) have held a Data Exposition competition (usually called “Data Expo”) as part

Interactive data visualization using focusing and linking

Two basic principles for interactive visualization of high-dimensional data-focusing and linking-are discussed and examples are given of how graphical data analysis methods based on focusing and linking are used in applications including linguistics, geographic information systems, time series analysis, and the analysis of multi-channel images arising in radiology and remote sensing.

The 2013 Data Expo of the American Statistical Association

Since 1983, the Sections on Statistical Computing and Statistical Graphics of the American Statistical Association (ASA) have held a Data Exposition competition (usually called “Data Expo”) as part

ggplot2 - Elegant Graphics for Data Analysis (2nd Edition)

This website becomes a very available place to look for countless ggplot2 elegant graphics for data analysis sources for data analysis sources.

D³ Data-Driven Documents

This work shows how representational transparency improves expressiveness and better integrates with developer tools than prior approaches, while offering comparable notational efficiency and retaining powerful declarative components.

The Split-Apply-Combine Strategy for Data Analysis

    H. Wickham
    Computer Science, Environmental Science
  • 2011
This paper gives rise to a new R package that allows you to smoothly apply a split-apply-combine strategy, without having to worry about the type of structure in which your data is stored.

Reshaping Data with the reshape Package

The reshape package for R is presented, which provides a common framework for many types of data reshaping and aggregation, where the data are ‘melted’ into a form which distinguishes measured and identifying variables, and then cast into a new shape, whether it be a data frame, list, or high dimensional array.


The United States Census Bureau