Query Twice: Dual Mixture Attention Meta Learning for Video Summarization

  title={Query Twice: Dual Mixture Attention Meta Learning for Video Summarization},
  author={Junyan Wang and Yang Bai and Yang Long and Bingzhang Hu and Zhenhua Chai and Yu Guan and Xiaolin Wei},
  journal={Proceedings of the 28th ACM International Conference on Multimedia},
A novel framework named Dual Mixture Attention (DMASum) model with Meta Learning for video summarization that tackles the softmax bottleneck problem is proposed, where the Mixture of Attention layer (MoA) effectively increases the model capacity by employing twice self-query attention.

Figures and Tables from this paper

Effective Video Summarization by Extracting Parameter-Free Motion Attention

The Parameter-free Motion Attention Module (PMAM) is proposed to exploit the crucial motion clues potentially contained in adjacent video frames, using a multi-head attention architecture, and the Multi-feature Motion Attention Network (MMAN) is introduced, integrating the PMAM with local and global multi-head attention based on object-centric and scene-centric video representations.

CSTA: CNN-based Spatiotemporal Attention for Video Summarization

A CNN-based SpatioTemporal Attention (CSTA) method that stacks each feature of frames from a single video to form image-like frame representations and applies 2D CNN to these frame features and achieves state-of-the-art performance with fewer MACs compared to previous methods.

TLDW: Extreme Multimodal Summarization of News Videos

A novel unsupervised Hierarchical Optimal Transport Network (HOT-Net) consisting of three components: hierarchical multimodal encoder, hierarchical multimodal fusion decoder, and optimal transport solver is proposed, which achieves promising performance in terms of ROUGE and IoU metrics.

Discriminative Latent Semantic Graph for Video Captioning

A novel Conditional Graph that can fuse spatio-temporal information into latent object proposal and a novel Discriminative Language Validator is proposed to verify generated captions so that key semantic concepts can be effectively preserved.

Towards Few-shot Image Captioning with Cycle-based Compositional Semantic Enhancement Framework

A Cycle-based captioning framework based on data augmentation is proposed to overcome the few-shot and zero-shot problems of image captioning, of which the novelty switcher module is the critical component.

AudioVisual Video Summarization

It is argued that the audio modality can assist vision modality to better understand the video content and structure and further benefit the summarization process.

Community-Aware Federated Video Summarization

This paper thoroughly discusses the Federated Video Summarization problem, i.e., how to obtain a robust video summarization model when video data is distributed on private data islands, and proposes a fundamental Frame-Based aggregation method to video-related tasks which differs from the sample-based aggregation in conventional FedAvg.

EEG-Video Emotion-Based Summarization: Learning With EEG Auxiliary Signals

An EEG-Video Emotion-based Summarization (EVES) model based on a multimodal deep reinforcement learning (DRL) architecture that leverages neural signals to learn visual interestingness to produce quantitatively and qualitatively better video summaries.

Research on fault diagnosis model driven by artificial intelligence from domain adaptation to domain generalization

Transfer learning is a training method that can transfer the network structure and weight originally used to solve the mature task methodology to the new learning task, and can also get better results in the new task.

Meta Learning for Task-Driven Video Summarization

MetaL-TDVS aims to excavate the latent mechanism for summarizing video by reformulating video summarization as a meta learning problem and promote the generalization ability of the trained model.

Discriminative Feature Learning for Unsupervised Video Summarization

This paper addresses the problem of unsupervised video summarization that automatically extracts key-shots from an input video and designs a novel two-stream network named Chunk and Stride Network (CSNet) that utilizes local (chunk) and global (stride) temporal view on the video features.

Video Summarization With Attention-Based Encoder–Decoder Networks

This paper proposes a novel video summarization framework named attentive encoder–decoder networks forVideo summarization (AVS), in which the encoder uses a bidirectional long short-term memory (BiLSTM) to encode the contextual information among the input video frames.

Video Summarization via Semantic Attended Networks

A semantic attended video summarization network (SASUM) which consists of a frame selector and video descriptor to select an appropriate number of video shots by minimizing the distance between the generated description sentence of the summarized video and the human annotated text of the original video.

Video Summarization with Long Short-Term Memory

Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), a special type of recurrent neural networks are used to model the variable-range dependencies entailed in the task of video summarization to improve summarization by reducing the discrepancies in statistical properties across those datasets.

Deep Reinforcement Learning for Unsupervised Video Summarization with Diversity-Representativeness Reward

This paper forms video summarization as a sequential decision-making process and develops a deep summarization network (DSN) to summarize videos, which is comparable to or even superior than most of published supervised approaches.

Diverse Sequential Subset Selection for Supervised Video Summarization

This work proposes the sequential determinantal point process (seqDPP), a probabilistic model for diverse sequential subset selection, which heeds the inherent sequential structures in video data, thus overcoming the deficiency of the standard DPP.

Unsupervised Video Summarization with Attentive Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks

This paper is the first to introduce the frame-level multi-head self-attention for video summarization, which learns long-range temporal dependencies along the whole video sequence and overcomes the local constraints of recurrent units, e.g., LSTMs.

Retrospective Encoders for Video Summarization

This paper proposes to augment standard sequence learning models with an additional “retrospective encoder” that embeds the predicted summary into an abstract semantic space that outperforms existing ones by a large margin in both supervised and semi-supervised settings.

TVSum: Summarizing web videos using titles

A novel co-archetypal analysis technique is developed that learns canonical visual concepts shared between video and images, but not in either alone, by finding a joint-factorial representation of two data sets.