RamCrypt: Kernel-based Address Space Encryption for User-mode Processes

  title={RamCrypt: Kernel-based Address Space Encryption for User-mode Processes},
  author={Johannes G{\"o}tzfried and Tilo M{\"u}ller and Gabor Drescher and Stefan N{\"u}rnberger and Michael Backes},
  journal={Proceedings of the 11th ACM on Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security},
RamCrypt effectively thwarts memory disclosure attacks, which grant unauthorized access to process memory, as well as physical attacks such as cold boot and DMA attacks.

Figures and Tables from this paper

HyperCrypt: Hypervisor-Based Encryption of Kernel and User Space

We present HyperCrypt, a hypervisor-based solution that encrypts the entire kernel and user space to protect against physical attacks on main memory, such as cold boot attacks. HyperCrypt is fully

Freeze & Crypt: Linux Kernel Support for Main Memory Encryption

Freeze & Crypt, a framework for RAM encryption, makes use of the kernel’s freezer to make arbitrary process groups transparently and dynamically encrypt their full memory space with a key only present during enand decryption.

FridgeLock: Preventing Data Theft on Suspended Linux with Usable Memory Encryption

This work presents FridgeLock to add memory encryption on suspend to Linux as a Linux Kernel Module (LKM), which allows for easy and fast deployment on existing Linux systems, where the distribution provides a prepackaged kernel and kernel updates.

Protecting Secrets of Persistent Systems with Volatility

This system provides mechanisms which turn persistent sub-systems into volatile ones by the use of AMD Secure Memory Encryption (SME), a new extension of AMD CPUs which provides encryption of main memory at the page granularity.

TransCrypt: Transparent Main Memory Encryption Using a Minimal ARM Hypervisor

TransCrypt, a concept for transparent and guest-agnostic, dynamic kernel and user main memory encryption using a custom minimal hypervisor, utilizes the address translation features provided by hardware-based virtualization support of modern CPUs to restrict the guest to a small working set of recently accessed physical pages.

Fault Attacks on Encrypted General Purpose Compute Platforms

This work builds a software based memory encryption solution on a desktop system which mimics AMD's SME, and demonstrates a proof-of-concept fault attack on this system, by which it is suggested that transparent memory encryption is not enough to prevent active attacks.

CryptMe: Data Leakage Prevention for Unmodified Programs on ARM Devices

CryptMe essentially extends the Linux kernel with the ability to accommodate the execution of unmodified programs in an isolated execution domain, and at the same time transparently encrypt sensitive data appeared in the DRAM chip (to defeat physical attacks).

Protecting mobile devices from physical memory attacks with targeted encryption

The results validate that MemVault effectively eliminates the occurrences of clear-text sensitive objects in DRAM chips, and imposes acceptable overheads.

Mimosa: Protecting Private Keys Against Memory Disclosure Attacks Using Hardware Transactional Memory

Through extensive experiments, it is shown that Mimosa effectively protects cryptographic keys against attacks that attempt to read sensitive data in memory, and introduces only a small performance overhead, even with concurrent cache-clogging workloads.

PRIME: private RSA infrastructure for memory-less encryption

With PRIME, this work presents a cold boot resistant infrastructure for private RSA operations, where all private RSA parameters reside symmetrically encrypted in RAM and are decrypted only within CPU registers.

TRESOR Runs Encryption Securely Outside RAM

TRESOR, a Linux kernel patch that implements the AES encryption algorithm and its key management solely on the microprocessor, takes advantage of Intel's new AES-NI instruction set and exploits the x86 debug registers in a non-standard way, namely as cryptographic key storage.

Cryptkeeper: Improving security with encrypted RAM

This work presents Cryptkeeper, a novel software-encrypted virtual memory manager that mitigates data exposure when used with a secure key-hiding mechanism, and enables the expression of new security policies for memory.

Protecting Private Keys against Memory Disclosure Attacks Using Hardware Transactional Memory

Through extensive experiments, it is shown that Mimosa effectively protects cryptographic keys against various attacks that attempt to read sensitive data from memory, and it only introduces a small performance overhead.

Encrypting Virtual Memory

The solution described in this paper uses swap encryption for processes in possession of confidential data that has been implemented for the UVM virtual memory system and its performance is acceptable.

TreVisor - OS-Independent Software-Based Full Disk Encryption Secure against Main Memory Attacks

TreVisor is presented, the first software-based and OS-independent solution for full disk encryption that is resistant to main memory attacks and builds upon BitVisor, a thin virtual machine monitor which implements various security features.

Beyond Full Disk Encryption: Protection on Security-Enhanced Commodity Processors

On-going work to develop and measure a clean-slate operating system --- Bear --- that leverages on-chip encryption to provide confidentiality of code and data is described.

Security through amnesia: a software-based solution to the cold boot attack on disk encryption

Loop-Amnesia, a kernel-based disk encryption mechanism implementing a novel technique to eliminate vulnerability to the cold boot attack is presented, and a novel techniques for shielding multiple encryption keys from RAM and a mechanism for storing encryption keys inside the CPU that does not interfere with the use of SSE are contributed.

Lest we remember: cold-boot attacks on encryption keys

It is shown that dynamic RAM, the main memory in most modern computers, retains its contents for several seconds after power is lost, even at room temperature and even if removed from a motherboard, and this phenomenon limits the ability of an operating system to protect cryptographic key material from an attacker with physical access to a machine.

ARMORED: CPU-Bound Encryption for Android-Driven ARM Devices

It is demonstrated that Android's disk encryption feature can be improved to withstand cold boot attacks by performing AES entirely without RAM, and a security and a performance analysis is presented for ARMORED.