RelatIF: Identifying Explanatory Training Examples via Relative Influence
@article{Barshan2020RelatIFIE, title={RelatIF: Identifying Explanatory Training Examples via Relative Influence}, author={Elnaz Barshan and Marc-Etienne Brunet and Gintare Karolina Dziugaite}, journal={ArXiv}, year={2020}, volume={abs/2003.11630}, url={} }
RelatIF is introduced, a new class of criteria for choosing relevant training examples by way of an optimization objective that places a constraint on global influence and finds that the examples returned are more intuitive when compared to those found using influence functions.
30 Citations
An Empirical Comparison of Instance Attribution Methods for NLP
- 2021
Computer Science
It is found that simple retrieval methods yield training instances that differ from those identified via gradient-based methods (such as IFs), but that nonetheless exhibit desirable characteristics similar to more complex attribution methods.
Behavior of k-NN as an Instance-Based Explanation Method
- 2021
Computer Science
This paper demonstrates empirically that the representation space induced by last layer of a neural network is the best to perform k-NN in and finds significant stability in the predictions and loss of MNIST vs. CIFAR-10.
Interactive Label Cleaning with Example-based Explanations
- 2021
Computer Science
Cincer is a novel approach that cleans both new and past data by identifying pairs of mutually incompatible examples, and clarifying the reasons behind the model's suspicions by cleaning the counter-examples helps in acquiring substantially better data and models, especially when paired with the FIM approximation.
Global-to-Local Support Spectrums for Language Model Explainability
- 2024
Computer Science
This paper proposes a method to generate an explanation in the form of support spectrums which is able to generate explanations that are tailored to specific test points and shows the effectiveness of the method in image classification and text generation tasks.
Influence Tuning: Demoting Spurious Correlations via Instance Attribution and Instance-Driven Updates
- 2021
Computer Science
This work proposes influence tuning--a procedure that leverages model interpretations to update the model parameters towards a plausible interpretation (rather than an interpretation that relies on spurious patterns in the data) in addition to learning to predict the task labels.
Evaluation of Similarity-based Explanations
- 2021
Computer Science
This study investigated relevance metrics that can provide reasonable explanations to users and revealed that the cosine similarity of the gradients of the loss performs best, which would be a recommended choice in practice.
Combining Feature and Instance Attribution to Detect Artifacts
- 2022
Computer Science
This paper proposes new hybrid approaches that combine saliency maps (which highlight important input features) with instance attribution methods (which retrieve training samples influential to a given prediction) and shows that this proposed training-feature attribution can be used to efficiently uncover artifacts in training data when a challenging validation set is available.
DIVINE: Diverse Influential Training Points for Data Visualization and Model Refinement
- 2021
Computer Science
This work proposes a method to select a set of DIVerse INfluEntial (DIVINE) training points as a useful explanation of model behavior, and shows how to evaluate training data points on the basis of group fairness.
Repairing Neural Networks by Leaving the Right Past Behind
- 2022
Computer Science
This work draws on the Bayesian view of continual learning, and develops a generic framework for both, identifying training examples that have given rise to the target failure, and fixing the model through erasing information about them.
Gradient-Based Automated Iterative Recovery for Parameter-Efficient Tuning
- 2023
Computer Science, Linguistics
It is shown that G-BAIR can recover LLM performance on benchmarks after manually corrupting training labels, suggesting that influence methods like TracIn can be used to automatically perform data cleaning, and introduces the potential for interactive debugging and relabeling for PET-based transfer learning methods.
30 References
Interpreting Black Box Predictions using Fisher Kernels
- 2019
Computer Science
This work takes a novel look at black box interpretation of test predictions in terms of training examples, making use of Fisher kernels as the defining feature embedding of each data point, combined with Sequential Bayesian Quadrature (SBQ) for efficient selection of examples.
A Unified Approach to Interpreting Model Predictions
- 2017
Computer Science, Mathematics
A unified framework for interpreting predictions, SHAP (SHapley Additive exPlanations), which unifies six existing methods and presents new methods that show improved computational performance and/or better consistency with human intuition than previous approaches.
On the Accuracy of Influence Functions for Measuring Group Effects
- 2019
Mathematics, Computer Science
Across many different types of groups and for a range of real-world datasets, the predicted effect (using influence functions) of a group correlates surprisingly well with its actual effect, even if the absolute and relative errors are large.
Examples are not enough, learn to criticize! Criticism for Interpretability
- 2016
Computer Science
Motivated by the Bayesian model criticism framework, MMD-critic is developed, which efficiently learns prototypes and criticism, designed to aid human interpretability.
Interpretability Beyond Feature Attribution: Quantitative Testing with Concept Activation Vectors (TCAV)
- 2018
Computer Science
Concept Activation Vectors (CAVs) are introduced, which provide an interpretation of a neural net's internal state in terms of human-friendly concepts, and may be used to explore hypotheses and generate insights for a standard image classification network as well as a medical application.
The effects of example-based explanations in a machine learning interface
- 2019
Computer Science
It is suggested that examples can serve as a vehicle for explaining algorithmic behavior, but point to relative advantages and disadvantages of using different kinds of examples, depending on the goal.
Understanding Black-box Predictions via Influence Functions
- 2017
Computer Science, Mathematics
This paper uses influence functions — a classic technique from robust statistics — to trace a model's prediction through the learning algorithm and back to its training data, thereby identifying training points most responsible for a given prediction.
Prototype selection for interpretable classification
- 2011
Computer Science
This paper discusses a method for selecting prototypes in the classification setting (in which the samples fall into known discrete categories), and demonstrates the interpretative value of producing prototypes on the well-known USPS ZIP code digits data set and shows that as a classifier it performs reasonably well.
Towards A Rigorous Science of Interpretable Machine Learning
- 2017
Computer Science, Philosophy
This position paper defines interpretability and describes when interpretability is needed (and when it is not), and suggests a taxonomy for rigorous evaluation and exposes open questions towards a more rigorous science of interpretable machine learning.
Anchors: High-Precision Model-Agnostic Explanations
- 2018
Computer Science
We introduce a novel model-agnostic system that explains the behavior of complex models with high-precision rules called anchors, representing local, "sufficient" conditions for predictions. We…