Research on Obstacle Avoidance Method of Robot Based on Region Location
@article{Gu2022ResearchOO, title={Research on Obstacle Avoidance Method of Robot Based on Region Location}, author={Yuwan Gu and Qiuyuan Yang and Zhitao Zhu and Shoukun Xu and Hui Qian}, journal={J. Circuits Syst. Comput.}, year={2022}, volume={31}, pages={2250144:1-2250144:22}, url={} }
Experimental results show that the problem of environment generalization can be effectively solved by introducing pixel collision detection in the process of robot obstacle avoidance, and the network model trained in a dynamic environment has some generalization ability.
2 Citations
Robot Learning Method Based On Video
- 2023
Computer Science
This paper studies various types of video, and proposes a robot learning method based on video summarization to improve the performance ofVideo summarization algorithm and generate video summaries that interest users.
UMIM: Utility-Maximization Incentive Mechanism for Mobile Crowd Sensing
- 2024
Computer Science
A Utility-Maximization Incentive Mechanism (UMIM) is proposed in this paper by leveraging the influence propagation on the social network and design a tree-based structure to improve the priority experience replay mechanism of Proximal Policy Optimization in UMIM.