Robust Irregular Tensor Factorization and Completion for Temporal Health Data Analysis

  title={Robust Irregular Tensor Factorization and Completion for Temporal Health Data Analysis},
  author={Yifei Ren and Jian Lou and Li Xiong and Joyce C. Ho},
  journal={Proceedings of the 29th ACM International Conference on Information \& Knowledge Management},
This work proposes REPAIR, a Robust tEmporal PARAFAC2 method for IRregular tensor factorization and completion method, to complete an irregular tensor and extract phenotypes in the presence of missing and erroneous values.

Figures and Tables from this paper

MULTIPAR: Supervised Irregular Tensor Factorization with Multi-task Learning for Computational Phenotyping

MULTIPAR is proposed: a supervised irregular tensor factorization with multi-task learning for computational phenotyping that achieves better tensor fit with more meaningful subgroups and stronger predictive performance compared to existing state-of-the-art methods.

Accurate PARAFAC2 Decomposition for Temporal Irregular Tensors with Missing Values

ATOM is proposed, an accurate PARAFAC2 decomposition method which carefully handles missing values in a temporal irregular tensor and provides a reformulated loss function that fully excludes missing values and accurately updates factor matrices by considering sparsity patterns of each row.

MULTIPAR: Supervised Irregular Tensor Factorization with Multi-task Learning

MULTIPAR is scalable and achieves better tensor fit with more meaningful subgroups and stronger predictive performance compared to existing state-of-the-art methods.

Unsupervised EHR‐based phenotyping via matrix and tensor decompositions

This paper provides a comprehensive review of low‐rank approximation‐based approaches for computational phenotyping and outlines different approaches for the validation of phenotypes, that is, the assessment of clinical significance.

Enhanced Tensor Rank Learning in Bayesian PARAFAC2 for Noisy Irregular Tensor Data

An advanced sparsity-promoting generalized hyperbolic (GH) prior is proposed to apply to all factor matrices and has more accurate rank estimates compared to the GG-based PARAFAC2 and its tensor de-noising performance is comparable to the direct fitting method with the rank being known.

DPar2: Fast and Scalable PARAFAC2 Decomposition for Irregular Dense Tensors

DP AR2 is a fast and scalable PARAFAC2 decomposition method for irregular dense tensors that achieves high efficiency by effectively compressing each slice matrix of a given irregular tensor, careful reordering of computations with the compression results, and exploiting the ir-regularity of the tensor.

Fast and Accurate Dual-Way Streaming PARAFAC2 for Irregular Tensors - Algorithm and Application

Dash is proposed, an efficient and accurate PARAFAC2 decomposition method working in the dual-way streaming setting and achieves up to 14.0x faster speed than existing PARAFac2 decompositions methods for newly arrived data.

Fast and Accurate PARAFAC2 Decomposition for Time Range Queries on Irregular Tensors

How can we efficiently analyze a specific time range on an irregular tensor? PARAFAC2 decomposition is widely used when analyzing an irregular tensor which consists of several matrices with different

tPARAFAC2: Tracking evolving patterns in (incomplete) temporal data

This paper introduces t(emporal)PARAFAC2 which utilizes temporal smoothness regularization on the evolving factors and proposes an algorithmic framework that employs Alternating Optimization and the Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers to fit the model.

Closed-form Machine Unlearning for Matrix Factorization

A closed-form machine unlearning method that explicitly captures the implicit dependency between the two factors, which yields the total Hessian-based Newton step as the closed- form unlearning update, and introduces a series of efficiency-enhancement strategies by exploiting the structural properties of thetotal Hessian.

Rubik: Knowledge Guided Tensor Factorization and Completion for Health Data Analytics

This work proposes Rubik, a constrained non-negative tensor factorization and completion method for phenotyping that can discover more meaningful and distinct phenotypes than the baselines and can also discover sub-phenotypes for several major diseases.

SPARTan: Scalable PARAFAC2 for Large & Sparse Data

A scalable method to compute the PARAFAC2 decomposition of large and sparse datasets, called SPARTan, which exploits special structure within PARAFac2, leading to a novel algorithmic reformulation that is both faster (in absolute time) and more memory-efficient than prior work.

COPA: Constrained PARAFAC2 for Sparse & Large Datasets

A COnstrained PARAFAC2 (COPA) method is proposed, which carefully incorporates optimization constraints such as temporal smoothness, sparsity, and non-negativity in the resulting factors and outperforms all the baselines attempting to handle a subset of the constraints in terms of speed and accuracy.

Discriminative and Distinct Phenotyping by Constrained Tensor Factorization

A novel su- pervised nonnegative tensor factorization methodology that derives discriminative and distinct phenotypes for sepsis with acute kidney injury, cardiac surgery, anemia, respiratory failure, heart failure, cardiac arrest, metastatic cancer, intraabdominal conditions, and alcohol abuse/withdrawal is proposed.

Tensor Completion for Estimating Missing Values in Visual Data

An algorithm to estimate missing values in tensors of visual data by proposing the first definition of the trace norm for tensors and building a working algorithm that generalizes the established definition of the matrix trace norm.

Nonnegative Matrix and Tensor Factorizations - Applications to Exploratory Multi-way Data Analysis and Blind Source Separation

This book provides a broad survey of models and efficient algorithms for Nonnegative Matrix Factorization (NMF). This includes NMFs various extensions and modifications, especially Nonnegative Tensor

Square Deal: Lower Bounds and Improved Relaxations for Tensor Recovery

The new tractable formulation for low-rank tensor recovery shows how the sample complexity can be reduced by designing convex regularizers that exploit several structures jointly.