Rough sets for spam filtering: Selecting appropriate decision rules for boundary e-mail classification

  title={Rough sets for spam filtering: Selecting appropriate decision rules for boundary e-mail classification},
  author={Noem{\'i} P{\'e}rez-D{\'i}az and David Ruano-Ord{\'a}s and Jos{\'e} Ram{\'o}n M{\'e}ndez and Juan F. G{\'a}lvez and Florentino Fern{\'a}ndez Riverola},
  journal={Appl. Soft Comput.},

Figures and Tables from this paper

Boosting Accuracy of Classical Machine Learning Antispam Classifiers in Real Scenarios by Applying Rough Set Theory

This work proposes a rough set postprocessing approach able to significantly improve the accuracy of previously successful well-known antispam classifiers with and without the application of the developed technique.

Improved email spam classification method using integrated particle swarm optimization and decision tree

The proposed technique has integrated particle swarm optimization based on Decision Tree algorithm with unsupervised filtering to enhance the accuracy rate further and have clearly pointed to better results than the available techniques.

Detection of Spam Email by Combining Harmony Search Algorithm and Decision Tree

A hybrid of Harmony Search Algorithm (HSA) and decision tree is used for selecting the best features and classification and the rate of recognition accuracy in the proposed model is 95.25% which is high in comparison with models such as SVM, NB, J48 and MLP.

Boosting Accuracy of Classical Machine Learning Antispam Classifiers in Real Scenarios by Applying Rough Set Theory

A straightforward study based on a publicly available standard corpus, which compares the performance of previously successful well-known antispam classifiers with and without the application of the proposed rough set postprocessing approach, shows the suitability of this rough setPostprocessing approach for increasing the accuracy of previous successful antispams when working in real scenarios.


This paper proposes a mechanism for e-mail spam detection based on hybrid of SVM and K-means clustering and requires one more input parameter to be determined: the number of clusters.

Heterogeneous classifier model for E-mail spam classification using FSO feature selection method

Firefly and GSO algorithm is efficiently combined to pick the appropriate features from the big dimensional area using correlation once the finest feature space is determined through FSO algorithm, the E-mail classification is accomplished using weighted based majority voting system.

Comparative Analysis of Detection of Email Spam With the Aid of Machine Learning Approaches

This paper mainly deals with the comparative analysis of detecting Spam Emails by various machine learning methodologies along with the proposed methodology, Considering various evaluation metrics such as Accuracy, Error, Evaluation time, Efficiency, and so on for the evaluation of models.

Anti-spam Filter Based on Data Mining and Statistical Test

This research proposes an anti-spam approach combining both data mining and statistical test approach that adopts data mining to generate spam rules and a statistical test to evaluate the efficiency of them.

A Comparative Impact Study of Attribute Selection Techniques on Naïve Bayes Spam Filters

A comparative study about the performance of five well-known feature selection techniques when they are applied in conjunction with four different types of Naive Bayes classifier shows the relevance of choosing an appropriate feature selection technique in order to obtain the most accurate results.

A Three-Way Decision Approach to Email Spam Filtering

A three-way decision approach to spam filtering based on Bayesian decision theory is introduced, which provides a more sensible feedback to users for precautionary handling their incoming emails, thereby reduces the chances of misclassification.

A Comparative Performance Study of Feature Selection Methods for the Anti-spam Filtering Domain

The underlying ideas behind feature selection methods are identified and applied for improving the feature selection process of SpamHunting, a novel anti-spam filtering software able to accurate classify suspicious e-mails.

An Alliance-Based Anti-spam Approach

The rules exchanged from other mail servers indeed help the spam filter blocking more spam mails than before and a combination of several algorithms improves accuracy and reduces false positives for the problem of spam detection.

Boosting Trees for Anti-Spam Email Filtering

The boosting-based methods clearly outperform the baseline learning algorithms on the PU1 corpus, achieving very high levels of the F1 measure and obtaining better ``high-precision'' classifiers, which is a very important issue when misclassification costs are considered.

An email classification model based on rough set theory

By comparing with popular classification methods like Naive Bayes classification, the error ratio that a non-spam is discriminated to spam can be reduced using the proposed model.