State automata extraction from recurrent neural nets using k-means and fuzzy clustering
@article{Cechin2003StateAE, title={State automata extraction from recurrent neural nets using k-means and fuzzy clustering}, author={Adelmo Luis Cechin and Denise Regina Pechmann Simon and Klaus Stertz}, journal={23rd International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science Society, 2003. SCCC 2003. Proceedings.}, year={2003}, pages={73-78}, url={} }
A recurrent neural network is used to learn the dynamical behavior of the inverted pendulum and from this network to extract a finite state automata, and two clustering methods are compared for the automata extraction.
24 Citations
Extracting Automata from Recurrent Neural Networks Using Queries and Counterexamples
- 2018
Computer Science
We present a novel algorithm that uses exact learning and abstraction to extract a deterministic finite automaton describing the state dynamics of a given trained RNN. We do this using Angluin's L*…
AdaAX: Explaining Recurrent Neural Networks by Learning Automata with Adaptive States
- 2022
Computer Science
A new method to construct deterministic finite automata to explain RNN, which identifies small sets of hidden states determined by patterns with finer granularity in data, and allows the automata states to be formed adaptively during the extraction.
Extracting automata from neural networks using active learning
- 2021
Computer Science
An active learning framework to extract automata from neural network classifiers, which can help users to understand the classifiers and compared the extracted DFA against the DFAs learned via the passive learning algorithms provided in LearnLib.
Dynamic Learning Machine Using Unrestricted Grammar
- 2012
Computer Science
This work exhibits how Turing machine recognizes recursive language and it is also elucidated that Dynamic Network Learning is a stable network.
Distillation of Weighted Automata from Recurrent Neural Networks using a Spectral Approach
- 2024
Computer Science
This paper provides an algorithm to extract a (stochastic) formal language from any recurrent neural network trained for language modelling and applies a spectral approach to infer a weighted automaton.
Extracting Weighted Finite Automata from Recurrent Neural Networks for Natural Languages
- 2022
Computer Science
This paper identifies the transition sparsity problem that heavily impacts the extraction precision and proposes a transition rule extraction approach, which is scalable to natural language processing models and effective in improving extraction precision.
Rule extraction from recurrent neural networks
- 2006
Computer Science
This thesis presents a novel algorithm, the Crystallizing SlIbstochastic SCfjucntial Alachine Extractor (CrySSMEx), which efficiently generates a sequence of increasingly refilled stochastic finite state Inodels of an underlying network, applicable to a wider range of problellls.
Extracting automata from recurrent neural networks using queries and counterexamples (extended version)
- 2024
Computer Science
A novel algorithm is presented that uses exact learning and abstract interpretation to perform efficient extraction of a minimal DFA describing the state dynamics of a given RNN, using Angluin’s L ∗ algorithm as a learner and the given RNN as an oracle.
Distance and Equivalence between Finite State Machines and Recurrent Neural Networks: Computational results
- 2020
Computer Science, Mathematics
This article proves some computational results related to the problem of extracting Finite State Machine (FSM) based models from trained RNN Language models and shows the equivalence problem of a PDFA/PFA/WFA and a weighted first-order RNN-LM is undecidable.
Weighted Automata Extraction and Explanation of Recurrent Neural Networks for Natural Language Tasks
- 2024
Computer Science
A novel framework of Weighted Finite Automata (WFA) extraction and explanation to tackle the limitations for natural language tasks and an explanation method for RNNs including a word embedding method -- Transition Matrix Embeddings (TME) and TME-based task oriented explanation for the target RNN.
20 References
A method to induce fuzzy automata using neural networks
- 2001
Computer Science
This paper shows that a suitable two-layer neural network model is able to infer fuzzy regular grammars from a set of fuzzy examples belonging to a fuzzy language.
Extraction of rules from discrete-time recurrent neural networks
- 1996
Computer Science
Learning and Extracting Finite State Automata with Second-Order Recurrent Neural Networks
- 1992
Computer Science
It is shown that a recurrent, second-order neural network using a real-time, forward training algorithm readily learns to infer small regular grammars from positive and negative string training samples, and many of the neural net state machines are dynamically stable, that is, they correctly classify many long unseen strings.
Dynamic On-line Clustering and State Extraction: An Approach to Symbolic Learning
- 1998
Computer Science
Extracting finite-state representations from recurrent neural networks trained on chaotic symbolic sequences
- 1999
Computer Science, Physics
This work investigates the knowledge induction process associated with training recurrent neural networks on single long chaotic symbolic sequences and finds that the extracted machines can achieve comparable or even better entropy and cross-entropy performance than the original RNN's.
Identification and control of dynamical systems using neural networks
- 1990
Computer Science, Engineering
It is demonstrated that neural networks can be used effectively for the identification and control of nonlinear dynamical systems and the models introduced are practically feasible.
Symbolic Knowledge Representation in Recurrent Neural Networks: Insights from Theoretical Models of
- 2000
Computer Science
This chapter addresses some fundamental issues in regard to recurrent neural network architectures and learning algorithms, their computational power, their suitability for diierent classes of applications, and their ability to acquire symbolic knowledge through learning.
Bounds on the complexity of recurrent neural network implementations of finite state machines
- 1996
Computer Science