Studying the fix-time for bugs in large open source projects

  title={Studying the fix-time for bugs in large open source projects},
  author={Lionel Marks and Ying Zou and A. Hassan},
  booktitle={International Conference on Predictive Models in Software Engineering},
It is found that the time of the filing of a bug and its location are the most important attributes in the Mozilla project for determining the fix-time of a bugs.

Predicting bug-fixing time: An empirical study of commercial software projects

A Markov-based method for predicting the number of bugs that will be fixed in future based on the empirical distribution of bug-fixing time derived from historical data is proposed and evaluated using real maintenance data from three CA Technologies projects.

Understanding and predicting bugs fixed by API-migrations

The goal is to direct developers towards potential bugs early in development which are more likely to be fixed by performing adaptive changes as opposed to other maintenance tasks.

Characterizing and predicting blocking bugs in open source projects

This paper studies blocking-bugs in six open source projects and proposes a model to predict them and finds that the most important factors in determining blocking bugs are the comment text, comment size, the number of developers in the CC list of the bug report and the reporter's experience.

An empirical study of non-reproducible bugs

It is found that Non-Reproducible bugs consume more fixation time thereby affecting bug fixing processes’ efficiency, and efforts in Non-reproducible bugs could be minimized by developing a fixability prediction model that can build confidence among developers.

Large-Scale Identification and Analysis of Factors Impacting Simple Bug Resolution Times in Open Source Software Repositories

It is found that bugs are fixed quicker if they are introduced and resolved by the same developer and discussed how the day of the week and time of day a buggy code was written and fixed affects its resolution time.

An empirical study of long lived bugs

This paper analyzed long lived bugs from five different perspectives: their proportion, severity, assignment, reasons, as well as the nature of fixes to help both developers and researchers to better understand factors behind delays, improve the overall bug fixing process, and investigate analytical approaches for prioritizing bugs based on bug severity aswell as expected bug fixing effort.

Knowledge extraction from on-line open source bug tracking systems to predict bug-fixing time

A model that can predict the bug-fixing time using the text information extracted from Bugzilla, an on-line open source Bug Tracking System (BTS) is proposed and experimental results show the model is effective.

An empirical analysis of reopened bugs based on open source projects

It is quite possible to reduce bug reopening rate through the adoption of appropriate methods, such as promoting effective and efficient communication among bug reporters and developers, which is supported by empirical evidence in this study.

Investigating the Impact of Bug Dependencies on Bug-Fixing Time Prediction

This work investigates the correlation between bug dependency metrics and bug-fixing time to investigate whether bugs with more complex dependencies are more time-consuming to be fixed, and suggests that considering bug dependencies can improve the effectiveness of bug- Fixing time prediction.

Who should fix this bug?

This paper applies a machine learning algorithm to the open bug repository to learn the kinds of reports each developer resolves and reaches precision levels of 57% and 64% on the Eclipse and Firefox development projects respectively.

How Long Will It Take to Fix This Bug?

This work presents an approach that automatically predicts the fixing effort, i.e., the person-hours spent on fixing an issue, using the Lucene framework to search for similar, earlier reports and use their average time as a prediction.

What Makes a Good Bug Report?

The CUEZILLA prototype is a tool that measures the quality of new bug reports and recommends which elements should be added to improve the quality, and discusses several recommendations for better bug tracking systems which should focus on engaging bug reporters, better tool support, and improved handling of bug duplicates.

Modeling bug report quality

This work presents a descriptive model of bug report quality based on a statistical analysis of surface features of over 27,000 publicly available bug reports for the Mozilla Firefox project, and shows that it can reduce the overall cost of software maintenance in a setting where the average cost of addressing a bug report is more than 2% of the cost of ignoring an important bug report.

Predicting Eclipse Bug Lifetimes

This research explores the viability of using data mining tools to predict the time to fix a bug given only the basic information known at the beginning of a bug's lifetime.

Using Decision Trees to Predict the Certification Result of a Build

This study shows that using a combination of project attributes (such as the number of modified subsystems in a build and certification results of previous builds), this paper can correctly predict 69% of the time that a build will fail certification.

Software Faults in Evolving a Large, Real-Time System: a Case Study

A survey about the software faults encountered during the testing phases in evolving a large real-time system describes the questionaire used to survey the design and coding faults and describes the results in terms of interface and implementation faults.

Automatic bug triage using text categorization

This paper proposes to apply machine learning techniques to assist in bug triage by using text categorization to predict the developer that should work on the bug based on thebug’s description.

Predicting Fault Incidence Using Software Change History

This paper uses change management data from a very large, long-lived software system to explore the extent to which measurements from the change history are successful in predicting the distribution over modules of these incidences of faults.

Estimation of software defects fix effort using neural networks

    Hui ZengD. Rine
    Computer Science
  • 2004
This paper presents a solution for estimating software defect fix effort using self-organizing neural networks and shows that these techniques are neither efficient nor effective for a new different kind of project's fixing defects when code will be written within the context of a different project or organization.